when you are 6 months late and 100% ROI has gone from hours to months during that 'gap' people have a right to bitch........
Hours lol, how much do you think BTC was worth 6mths ago to support you claim?
corrected to reflect days instead of hours. still a long way away from the ROI it will be when/if regular customers are seeking it from the units that were promised to be delivered in october.
BTC was worth the same then as it is now, 1 BTC = 1 BTC. meaning if one invested BTC to acquire a device that allows them 'produce' BTC then that is how their ROI would factor.
BFL products are not priced in BTC, your analogy is irrelevant, you might as well have used the price of oil or gold, or even LTC as a comparison.
If I spent USD to acquire a device that produced USD and the device was from Europe and was priced in Euros, would you want to limit the discussion on ROI only to Euros? No. That would be nonsense.
wait for it.....
i'm feeling the pathetic argument coming that because BFL doubled their prices in USD for the 'current' versions of the products that early pre-orderers were sages and should be happy about the current state of things.