Zdravo ljudje, vidim da je ovdje luda kuća (that's about the extent of my Croatian)
You guys are so active and with so much debate that Danny has to contact me every day just to be able to give you guys a straight answer. I thought it would be best if I dropped by and answered some of the questions myself.
Master Data Provider (MDP) program is separated into three separate tiers - Tier 1 which requires 16.000 VTY, Tier 2 which requires 8.000 VTY and Tier 3, which requires 4.000 VTY. While there is no discernible difference between Tier 2 and 3 besides the referral bonus, Tier 1 participants will have access to a set of VIP tests - these tests will be run in smaller groups which will test barely released event features (like different reward structure, different methods of consensus like our Prediction Engine we ran internally and different settings like multiple-entry type of events), which will later, after a successful trial, be run with a bigger audience of Tier 2 and 3 participants. Every MDP event will have a bigger reward structure because the events will not be run in a standard fashion like we did in Alpha, so bugs and other problems are to be expected and this is just one of the way to offset potential risks. Additionally, Tier 1 can only be reserved if the account in question has participated in at least three previous Alpha events and will be checked for everyone. Each participant (based on his account) can only reserve one Tier, so everyone make sure you think it over before you lock your tokens, because the smart contract doesn't allow second choices.
Regarding staking and events - yes, we will run some standard events (for general public and MDP program, most likely) in which everyone will have to stake VTY tokens to participate. Obviously not for every event, because that would prevent some newcomers in participating, but just enough to test the functionality and see if it works as intended. I don't know how many VTY tokens will be required to stake, but I can just offer some speculation on my part that is a wild guess only. Based on the numbers MDP and PVN program requires to stake, I'm judging the stake number should revolve around 500-2000 VTY tokens, depending on the event, developer mood and previous experience. More than that would prevent a majority in participating and lower than that would not provide enough of a risk in order to gamble on the events, but the events themselves won't necessarily have a larger pool per se. If the stake is required in the MDP program and you don't make the consensus, you don't lose 4.000 (8k, 16k) Verity tokens, only the stake is lost. MDP program and the titles that come with it for every participant are lifetime, even though you will get the tokens back in a few months (depending on the tier). Currently referrals for each tiers aren't working yet, but we're working on launching it along with a few other goodies.
U svakom slučaju, to je sve. Žao mi je zbog moje nepostojećega poznavanja hrvatskega jezika, nadam se da ste razumjeli većinu onoga što sam rekao. Ako so bilo kakva pitanja, samo pitajte, rado će vam pomoći.