
Topic: Slovenski ICO Verity [ex. Eventum] nagradjuje Alfa Testere! (Approx $150) - page 14. (Read 5292 times)

Activity: 2688
Merit: 1249
A sad da pitam još jednu stvar tebe ili dannysavage, tko god bolje zna. Mi koji smo sudjelovali u alpha eventima te imamo ETH i EVT tokene na Ropsten mreži, trebamo li u postavkama računa sad upisati adresu "pravog" ETH walleta? Jer ako sam dobro shvatio, nagrade za sve iduće evente će se dijeliti u ETH i VTY tokenima na "normalnoj" ETH mreži.

Upišeš adresu walleta na kojeg želiš primiti tokene i ETH. Koliko sam shvatio, može biti i različita  od one s kojom si sudjelovao na eventima, meni je ista pa nisam to detaljno ispitivao.
Mislim da će još jedno kraće vrijeme i nakon TGE-a ići preko Ropstena, ali nisu još obznanili.

Hm... Meni je Ropsten adresa različita od ETH adrese jer su inzistirali na MetaMasku, a ja ETH adresu imam na Ledgeru. Po tome znači da sad trebam upisati ETH adresu da na nju dobijem tokene, a onda kad opet krenu eventi trebam promijeniti u Ropsten adresu. A i nije mi jasno zašto će evente nastaviti raditi na Ropsten mreži ako će nakon TGE imati tokene i ETH za dijeljenje (ako će uopće dijeliti ETH).

Možda mi je nešto promaklo ali ja baš i ne vidim problem. Račun koji imaš na Metamasku ima istu adresu i za Ropsten i za Main net. Prema tome ako ništa ne diraš najgore šta ti se može desiti ja da moraš potrošiti malo ETHa za transakciju ako želiš prebaciti na svoj Ledger novčanik.

Ti sad zapravo imaš dvije ETH adrese i to je po meni vrlo dobro. Ja ih imam tri. Jednu ozbiljnu, jednu za bounty i jednu koja je bila za airdropove pa mi ju se više ne da koristiti jer ima na njoj preko 200 tokena.

Hm... Imaš pravo. Isto tako imam jednu glavnu ETH adresu (ta koja je na Ledgeru) gdje držim ETH i tokene koji nešto vrijede ili će vrijediti. Uz nju imam i jednu koju baš i ne koristim jer imam previše tokena na njoj. Mogao bi onda MetaMask koristiti kao treću adresu za bountye.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 2774
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A sad da pitam još jednu stvar tebe ili dannysavage, tko god bolje zna. Mi koji smo sudjelovali u alpha eventima te imamo ETH i EVT tokene na Ropsten mreži, trebamo li u postavkama računa sad upisati adresu "pravog" ETH walleta? Jer ako sam dobro shvatio, nagrade za sve iduće evente će se dijeliti u ETH i VTY tokenima na "normalnoj" ETH mreži.

Upišeš adresu walleta na kojeg želiš primiti tokene i ETH. Koliko sam shvatio, može biti i različita  od one s kojom si sudjelovao na eventima, meni je ista pa nisam to detaljno ispitivao.
Mislim da će još jedno kraće vrijeme i nakon TGE-a ići preko Ropstena, ali nisu još obznanili.

Hm... Meni je Ropsten adresa različita od ETH adrese jer su inzistirali na MetaMasku, a ja ETH adresu imam na Ledgeru. Po tome znači da sad trebam upisati ETH adresu da na nju dobijem tokene, a onda kad opet krenu eventi trebam promijeniti u Ropsten adresu. A i nije mi jasno zašto će evente nastaviti raditi na Ropsten mreži ako će nakon TGE imati tokene i ETH za dijeljenje (ako će uopće dijeliti ETH).

Možda mi je nešto promaklo ali ja baš i ne vidim problem. Račun koji imaš na Metamasku ima istu adresu i za Ropsten i za Main net. Prema tome ako ništa ne diraš najgore šta ti se može desiti ja da moraš potrošiti malo ETHa za transakciju ako želiš prebaciti na svoj Ledger novčanik.

Ti sad zapravo imaš dvije ETH adrese i to je po meni vrlo dobro. Ja ih imam tri. Jednu ozbiljnu, jednu za bounty i jednu koja je bila za airdropove pa mi ju se više ne da koristiti jer ima na njoj preko 200 tokena.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1249
A sad da pitam još jednu stvar tebe ili dannysavage, tko god bolje zna. Mi koji smo sudjelovali u alpha eventima te imamo ETH i EVT tokene na Ropsten mreži, trebamo li u postavkama računa sad upisati adresu "pravog" ETH walleta? Jer ako sam dobro shvatio, nagrade za sve iduće evente će se dijeliti u ETH i VTY tokenima na "normalnoj" ETH mreži.

Upišeš adresu walleta na kojeg želiš primiti tokene i ETH. Koliko sam shvatio, može biti i različita  od one s kojom si sudjelovao na eventima, meni je ista pa nisam to detaljno ispitivao.
Mislim da će još jedno kraće vrijeme i nakon TGE-a ići preko Ropstena, ali nisu još obznanili.

Hm... Meni je Ropsten adresa različita od ETH adrese jer su inzistirali na MetaMasku, a ja ETH adresu imam na Ledgeru. Po tome znači da sad trebam upisati ETH adresu da na nju dobijem tokene, a onda kad opet krenu eventi trebam promijeniti u Ropsten adresu. A i nije mi jasno zašto će evente nastaviti raditi na Ropsten mreži ako će nakon TGE imati tokene i ETH za dijeljenje (ako će uopće dijeliti ETH).
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1952
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A sad da pitam još jednu stvar tebe ili dannysavage, tko god bolje zna. Mi koji smo sudjelovali u alpha eventima te imamo ETH i EVT tokene na Ropsten mreži, trebamo li u postavkama računa sad upisati adresu "pravog" ETH walleta? Jer ako sam dobro shvatio, nagrade za sve iduće evente će se dijeliti u ETH i VTY tokenima na "normalnoj" ETH mreži.

Upišeš adresu walleta na kojeg želiš primiti tokene i ETH. Koliko sam shvatio, može biti i različita  od one s kojom si sudjelovao na eventima, meni je ista pa nisam to detaljno ispitivao.
Mislim da će još jedno kraće vrijeme i nakon TGE-a ići preko Ropstena, ali nisu još obznanili.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1249
Što se tiče evenata, nisam siguran je li cryptofrka napisao ovdje ili na Telegramu da će s njima nastaviti 20. kolovoza. Ne bi me čudilo da sad krenu dijeliti samo tokene jer ipak treba nešto ETH-a sačuvati i za razvoj projekata. Tko zna... Ako procijene da platforma nije dovoljno popularna, nema sumnje da će dijeljenje ETH-a zajedno s tokenima dodatno populazirati platformu. Pogotovo ako će odmah dijeliti "pravi" ETH, a ne onaj na Ropsten networku.

Rekli su oko 20., nisu točno definirali. Rekli su i da će smanjiti ETH nagrade, ja čak mislim i da će ih potpuno ukinuti.

Planiraju podijeliti još jako puno EVT (tj VTY po novom) tokena do kraja godine, tako da će ili biti jako puno evenata ili će nagrade ponovno biti visoke.

A sad da pitam još jednu stvar tebe ili dannysavage, tko god bolje zna. Mi koji smo sudjelovali u alpha eventima te imamo ETH i EVT tokene na Ropsten mreži, trebamo li u postavkama računa sad upisati adresu "pravog" ETH walleta? Jer ako sam dobro shvatio, nagrade za sve iduće evente će se dijeliti u ETH i VTY tokenima na "normalnoj" ETH mreži.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1952
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Što se tiče evenata, nisam siguran je li cryptofrka napisao ovdje ili na Telegramu da će s njima nastaviti 20. kolovoza. Ne bi me čudilo da sad krenu dijeliti samo tokene jer ipak treba nešto ETH-a sačuvati i za razvoj projekata. Tko zna... Ako procijene da platforma nije dovoljno popularna, nema sumnje da će dijeljenje ETH-a zajedno s tokenima dodatno populazirati platformu. Pogotovo ako će odmah dijeliti "pravi" ETH, a ne onaj na Ropsten networku.

Rekli su oko 20., nisu točno definirali. Rekli su i da će smanjiti ETH nagrade, ja čak mislim i da će ih potpuno ukinuti.

Planiraju podijeliti još jako puno EVT (tj VTY po novom) tokena do kraja godine, tako da će ili biti jako puno evenata ili će nagrade ponovno biti visoke.
Activity: 392
Merit: 54
Sutra bi trebali znati koliko cemo dobiti od bountyja, ako ih je netko radio. Mada mislim da nece biti ni do koljena sudjelovanju u eventima. Eventi bi trebali poceti tjedan nakon sljedeceg.

Što se tiče evenata, nisam siguran je li cryptofrka napisao ovdje ili na Telegramu da će s njima nastaviti 20. kolovoza. Ne bi me čudilo da sad krenu dijeliti samo tokene jer ipak treba nešto ETH-a sačuvati i za razvoj projekata. Tko zna... Ako procijene da platforma nije dovoljno popularna, nema sumnje da će dijeljenje ETH-a zajedno s tokenima dodatno populazirati platformu. Pogotovo ako će odmah dijeliti "pravi" ETH, a ne onaj na Ropsten networku.
Mudro zboriš. Baš me znaima kolike će biti nagrade za sljedeće evente. Nema šanse da će povećati ETH nagradu, ali samo da je dosta eventuma i da relativno drži cijenu na burzama. Mada ne planiram prodavat ni jedan dok ne vidim za staking.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1249
Sutra bi trebali znati koliko cemo dobiti od bountyja, ako ih je netko radio. Mada mislim da nece biti ni do koljena sudjelovanju u eventima. Eventi bi trebali poceti tjedan nakon sljedeceg.

Što se tiče evenata, nisam siguran je li cryptofrka napisao ovdje ili na Telegramu da će s njima nastaviti 20. kolovoza. Ne bi me čudilo da sad krenu dijeliti samo tokene jer ipak treba nešto ETH-a sačuvati i za razvoj projekata. Tko zna... Ako procijene da platforma nije dovoljno popularna, nema sumnje da će dijeljenje ETH-a zajedno s tokenima dodatno populazirati platformu. Pogotovo ako će odmah dijeliti "pravi" ETH, a ne onaj na Ropsten networku.
Activity: 392
Merit: 54
Sutra bi trebali znati koliko cemo dobiti od bountyja, ako ih je netko radio. Mada mislim da nece biti ni do koljena sudjelovanju u eventima. Eventi bi trebali poceti tjedan nakon sljedeceg.
Activity: 602
Merit: 54
Lijepo, lijepo... Ovaj Verity ili po starome Eventum je jedna od boljih stvari na koje sam naišao u cryptu, jedva čekam isplatu i baš me zanima koliko će vrijediti VTY tokeni.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1952
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Eventum je bilo dosta 'catchy' i sviđalo mi se, trenutno i dalje više nego Verity, ali i to ime je skroz ok a nekako bolje opisuje projekt.

Lova stiže uskoro, a evente su ponovno najavili za period nakon 20.8. Smiley
Activity: 196
Merit: 15
I do marketing and im good at it
Meni je bilo upecatljivije Eventum nego Verity, lakse se pamti, lepse zvuci, a i skracenica je mogla da bude EVE, opet lepse, lakse za upamtiti. Koji je uopste bio razlog promene imena, nisam primetila da je ta tema bila negde pokrenuta? I kada ce vise novi eventi?  Angry Pretpostavljam nista do 20-og, dok se ne zavrsi TGE i ne vide sta ce sa tim.

Dosta ljudi koje sam upoznao sa ovim projektom me pitalo zasto Eventum kada nema nikakve veze sa ''Eventima''... Pa pretpostavljam da je iz istog tog razloga i napravljen rebranding.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
Meni je bilo upecatljivije Eventum nego Verity, lakse se pamti, lepse zvuci, a i skracenica je mogla da bude EVE, opet lepse, lakse za upamtiti. Koji je uopste bio razlog promene imena, nisam primetila da je ta tema bila negde pokrenuta? I kada ce vise novi eventi?  Angry Pretpostavljam nista do 20-og, dok se ne zavrsi TGE i ne vide sta ce sa tim.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1249
Dobio sam mail (a vjerojatno i svi vi ostali) da će token generation event biti 16.8., a mi koji smo sudjelovali u alpha eventima ćemo kroz dashboard (koji će uskoro biti pušten) morati claimati tokene i ETH.

Evo cijeli mail ako netko nije dobio ili vidio:

Hello Eventum Fans,

We are very excited to announce that Eventum will hold its TGE (Token Generation Event) as ‘Verity’ (VTY) on August 16, 2018! You can read more about it in our blog post.

WARNING: Tokens will be distributed on 16th August 2018 when the contract address will be announced on our official Medium and Telegram channels. NEVER give your private key to anyone contacting you.

🚀 Eventum is rebranding to Verity
As we evolved, we developed the idea of Eventum being a truth bearer, extracting the truth from the crowds and solving one of the most significant problems of the web: ‘The Oracle Problem.’ From this sparked a more focused vision of creating a brand that reflects the core values of our product, which resulted in a new name ‘Verity’, which is derived from the Latin word ‘veritas’ meaning ‘the truth’. You can read more about our rebrand here.

📢 Wallet address update
On Thursday 16 August 2018, VTY tokens will be released from the smart contract to the wallet address you provided in our private sale. If you earned your EVT + ETH tokens on Alpha events or our Bounty campaign, you will receive them to the wallet address listed in your Eventum Alpha settings. If you wish to change the deposit address, you must change it before: Wednesday 15 August 2018, 00:00 (GMT +2). In case of additional questions contact us on [email protected].

❓ Token Distribution Guide: FAQ
Find out everything about the token distribution on our TGE FAQ blog post. In case of any additional questions about the token distribution, don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]

📈 Dashboard update
To improve the user experience, we are pleased to announce that we’ll be releasing a new token dashboard very soon. This new feature will enable you to check your overall status of VTY tokens, vesting periods and more.

❗ Eventum Bounty campaign is officially over
All parts of the bounty program will end on August 13th, 2018:

Eventum alpha bounty
Telegram bounty
Twitter bounty
Reddit bounty
Facebook bounty
Creative content bounty
Bitcointalk Signature bounty
Translation bounty

After this date, no further contributions will be accepted. You can read more about the closing of our bounty campaign on this blog post.

🔎 Eventum Overview
It’s been a fascinating and productive 12 months for Team Eventum.

We’ve taken an idea and turned it into a working, tested prototype: Eventum Alpha. We’ve run dozens of successful experiments, learning and refining our MVP. We’ve traveled to Silicon Valley, New York, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Budapest, Zurich, Seoul, Singapore and more to promote the project.

We’ve built a community of 120,000+ people. We’ve attracted attention from various companies who are interested in using Eventum to help them solve their problems. Other projects have used us (see, and we’ve launched a monthly DEV grant to encourage more. And we’ve grown our team from two co-founders to fifteen-strong (and counting!).

But this is just the start. We have successfully secured the funding we need to take Eventum to the next stage of growth, and the hard work now continues.

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported the project so far and continues to join us on this exciting journey.


Team Verity (formerly Eventum)
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1952
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Bome imaju sreće, ETH nikad nije bio niže Grin

Nakon TGE-a trebali bi i jako krenuti s novim eventima, planiraju podijeliti još hrpetinu EVT-a do kraja godine.
Activity: 392
Merit: 54
Danas je veliki dan kad bismo konacno trebali znati kad ćemo se moći iskeširati, a i ostale divne stvari. Ako objave vijest budem je pasteao ovdje.  Grin
Activity: 134
Merit: 0
Znaci nista od evenata narednih par nedelja... hvala na info, bar da znam da ne proveravam svaki dan Wink
Activity: 196
Merit: 15
I do marketing and im good at it
Hey there everyone!

I hope you guys will forgive me if I type in English only. While I can understand most of what's said here, my written Croatian is probably the equivalent of a late 2000's Google Translate, so I'm probably doing all of us a favor by sticking to English. Cheesy Some of you already know me, I'm Luka from Telegram and I'm pretty amazed by the engagement you guys are showing, it really shows that Danny is doing great work (especially by managing and relaying all relevant information!). The team received a lot of emails from everyone in this thread specifically and they hopefully answered each and every one by now.

Some big news is also in the works, which should be released within next two weeks (depending on circumstances). Token generation event date should be announced before then too; after TGE, when tokens will be generated, we will be distributing all tokens from events and bounties within two days after that - yes, the team is working tirelessly in order for that to happen. Because of that, events will only take place after TGE, so you guys (and gals!) can enjoy the summer vacations in peace for the next few weeks. To bring it to a more personal note, everyone living near the coast must live a blessed life, with great weather, warm water and great company just few minutes away. Hope you're all bringing it in! Grin

If anyone has any questions or suggestions (especially for events, on what type they'd like to see in the future), please let us know! You can either send us a message at [email protected], or just pop in Telegram and say hi too!  Wink

Hey there, it's also Luka from telegram chat. Just Croatian version Grin
Another shout to dannysavage here as well, he really is doing a tremendous job. Huge following that Eventum has here is mostly of his doing and I hope he gets more than just plaudits - it would be well deserved.

We're looking forward to more events, keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to running my node(s), all thanks to danny!

Thank you very much both of you on kind words, i appreciate it. Usually i dont promote projects this much, but i trully do believe in Eventum long term.

Right now, i'm lil bit inactive comparing to winter season where i have enuff time for crypto... I'm focused now on my real life business (Selling boat tours) but i think i'll manage to keep up with updates about Eventum.  Grin

Activity: 2520
Merit: 1952
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
Hey there everyone!

I hope you guys will forgive me if I type in English only. While I can understand most of what's said here, my written Croatian is probably the equivalent of a late 2000's Google Translate, so I'm probably doing all of us a favor by sticking to English. Cheesy Some of you already know me, I'm Luka from Telegram and I'm pretty amazed by the engagement you guys are showing, it really shows that Danny is doing great work (especially by managing and relaying all relevant information!). The team received a lot of emails from everyone in this thread specifically and they hopefully answered each and every one by now.

Some big news is also in the works, which should be released within next two weeks (depending on circumstances). Token generation event date should be announced before then too; after TGE, when tokens will be generated, we will be distributing all tokens from events and bounties within two days after that - yes, the team is working tirelessly in order for that to happen. Because of that, events will only take place after TGE, so you guys (and gals!) can enjoy the summer vacations in peace for the next few weeks. To bring it to a more personal note, everyone living near the coast must live a blessed life, with great weather, warm water and great company just few minutes away. Hope you're all bringing it in! Grin

If anyone has any questions or suggestions (especially for events, on what type they'd like to see in the future), please let us know! You can either send us a message at [email protected], or just pop in Telegram and say hi too!  Wink

Hey there, it's also Luka from telegram chat. Just Croatian version Grin
Another shout to dannysavage here as well, he really is doing a tremendous job. Huge following that Eventum has here is mostly of his doing and I hope he gets more than just plaudits - it would be well deserved.

We're looking forward to more events, keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to running my node(s), all thanks to danny!
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Hey there everyone!

I hope you guys will forgive me if I type in English only. While I can understand most of what's said here, my written Croatian is probably the equivalent of a late 2000's Google Translate, so I'm probably doing all of us a favor by sticking to English. Cheesy Some of you already know me, I'm Luka from Telegram and I'm pretty amazed by the engagement you guys are showing, it really shows that Danny is doing great work (especially by managing and relaying all relevant information!). The team received a lot of emails from everyone in this thread specifically and they hopefully answered each and every one by now.

Some big news is also in the works, which should be released within next two weeks (depending on circumstances). Token generation event date should be announced before then too; after TGE, when tokens will be generated, we will be distributing all tokens from events and bounties within two days after that - yes, the team is working tirelessly in order for that to happen. Because of that, events will only take place after TGE, so you guys (and gals!) can enjoy the summer vacations in peace for the next few weeks. To bring it to a more personal note, everyone living near the coast must live a blessed life, with great weather, warm water and great company just few minutes away. Hope you're all bringing it in! Grin

If anyone has any questions or suggestions (especially for events, on what type they'd like to see in the future), please let us know! You can either send us a message at [email protected], or just pop in Telegram and say hi too!  Wink
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