@Matthew - Thanks for the feedback. It is me personally who is in the online tobacco business for 5 years (i.e. warehouse, customer support - 2 people employed, good reputation in the eyes of the postal office, processing companies and customers) - it's the domain name and the 'brand' that are new. Yes, maybe there is a bit of bluff involved, but it is certainly not a lie. I am now in the process of converting all my other (4 in total) websites to accepting Bitcoins as well (first one registered in 2006). The reason for having a couple of shops instead of just one is purely a SEO one (different keywords, different countries), in case you wonder. Same explanation goes for the "About Us" page - the website is brand new. Concerning the template for the OpenCart open-source cart, it is not free actually, and even if it was, it still looks nice in my opinion!
Thanks for clearing it up mate. I have a nose and I can't deny it when it tells me something smells funny, that's all. ^_-
Is it legal for you to mail cigs internationally? I think I've seen this issue addressed on the forums before.