In cointerra's forum they talk about a delay of less of 1 month in January's batch and they told they will send an addictional terraminer of 2TH/s (March batch) for any miner ordered for January. Theoretically Febrary batch will be on time, if not, I'm sure that they will give me 2 addictional miners probably April Batch. I will share both with customers as percentage writen in the topic.
It looks like Cointerra is offering Jan/Feb batch customers a CHOICE of (a) 15% off of an additional hardware order, OR (b) a full refund., I think you ought to find out from Cointerra where you (we) are in in the shipping queue. If you are shipping in the next 2 weeks, they should know that by now. Terraminer IV's have started shipping, but as you and I have discussed a late February/early March delivery will mean very minimal profit or possibly none depending on difficulty, given the decrease to 1.6 Gh/s in specs. If it looks like delivery will not be until late February/early March, I would vote that you cancel the order and the GB and get the refund now from Cointerra.
In comparison, AMT (using the same A1 chips) has also started shipping and is giving out pretty good dates to customers with low order numbers. So Cointerra should be able to give you a good idea at this point and I think you should decide based on that specific ship date, and the reduction in processing power, whether this GB (and your other Terraminer for that matter) makes sense still.
Otherwise, if they cannot give you a date range it means your are more than 3 weeks away .. and that probably means this will not be very profitable given the 1.6 Gh/s reduction. In that case, the sooner you cancel the faster you will get your money back (and you can use that to buy the AMT machine which even with new orders is saying 4-5 weeks from today!).
Like you, I am still hopeful that Cointerra is going to delivery in the next couple of weeks and this could be a good GB; but the reduction in specs worries me and I think you ought to decide on a line in the sand for the delivery date, especially now that Cointerra is offering openly a full refund which is at your choice.
To BorisAlt, Hashceser has answered every question that has been put to him, including several in private emails where he has explained to my satisfaction his ability to handle the electrical loads of these power sucking machines. If you wanted to be productive, I would suggest asking specific questions that Hashcesar can respond to rather than just assuming he is a scammer and demeaning him for not providing details that no one thought to ask him about. He has been very forthcoming on all my questions. Your questions are great, so why not just ask him to provide those details rather than assuming he won't??? Also, the bitcoinwisdom calculator has never been accurate in forecasting profit for my hashers, it is always overly pessimistic. I don't have time to try to figure out what they are doing differently from other calculators, but I know that I have made more $ on my existing hashers than bitcoinwisdom's calculators predicted (disregarding increases due to fluctuation in BTC exchange rates); while the spreadsheet I use seems to be tracking very well to actual so I will stick with that.
To Matt whoever ... really? 10% IRR in six months is a phenomenal rate of return for literally doing nothing. And if you looked more carefully you would have seen that was a **downside** scenario. Do you not understand scale? If I told you you could make 10 cents on each one dollar investment, you would disregard that as being too small at only 10 cents? Wow. Okay, I guess that says a lot about you.