I can’t bring myself to sit through a football game, American or International. I think they are both dreadfully boring. Same with baseball to be honest. I’ll go to a game, but it’s to drink and enjoy sunshine. I don’t really care about the game. Hockey is alright to watch, but honestly, basketball is the only sport I really enjoy watching. Maybe a good MMA fight. Other than that, watching sports is just sort of meh…
As they say, it's all about the interests of an individual, which will make them hate or dislike something that the majority loves. Football, or soccer for some, is the most famous and widely liked sport in the world, but some people find it boring just like you, and to be honest, to some extent, I agree with you. A football game where there aren't any star players playing, or there isn't much happening kinda gets boring at some point because you only see the players passing the ball here and there, and there aren't any good shots or corners, etc.
Being a sports lover and a person who has always loved watching and playing any sport, I don't particularly dislike any sport. However, there are some that I don't watch much because as @OgNasty said, they somehow bore me, and one of such sports is F1. I just can't watch a whole F1 race because I don't find it entertaining enough, for some reason.