It is not allowed for you to spend this money on Olympics my friend
If you want to spend it I can always post my donation address.
But I know Olympics very well! Usain Bolt will win everything, won't he? Why deny me such glorious pickings?
I wasn't expecting to hear your name while watching the giveaway, congratulations. I hope that you win this time instead of losing.
Thank you! Never expect it either on any of these big ticket pools either. Am sure SB did really well. At my last count there were 6.5 million tickets and that was still weeks away from the final. Can't imagine what those Golden ticket winners must have wagered!
Damn, a forum member actually got called out. 9.1% is actually a big percentage though, considering most lotteries, so you did well! I didn't even have a big number of tickets so I can't complain if I didn't win anything, good for you
Actually, I said less than 0.1%, probably 0.03% even. And that was last check with at least a week of betting left to go. No way I could have wagered over $6 mill!
Congrats, brother!! At least someone from the forum got something; honestly, I wasn't expecting much after seeing other people's numbers of tickets; I didn't spend much money on Euro, so it's a win-win situation for me. My small advice: avoid Olympic football and baseball. I've been losing like a madman over the last several days; I proclaimed I'd quit till new season a few weeks ago but didn't listen to my own advise, and now I'm advising you. Lol
Thank you for the advice. I have not and will not touch football. What is scary is most of my tickets came from F1. I know nothing about the sport. Dumb luck?