
Topic: SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner V1.9.3 - native algo switching - page 182. (Read 237247 times)

hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626

I have a rig of vega56, I start the miner up and in getting 1500+ on the runs fine then about 1 hour into mining they all move to 1300+ . I checked the temps are fine, and they run but I loose 200+ per card after a hour or so..this did not happen on the last version..can you give me a clue what might be happening?

Which algo is that?
Also drivers? Did you change drivers lately?
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
Option with timer in miner is good for dev and miner. no cheating and this is it.

For doc: Zapisi mineru da kad nema .srb fileka da uzme odma u prvih par minuta fee. ako ima .srb fileka onda u njemu zapisuj vrijeme kolko je miner radio. znaci miner  ode i ocita vrijeme kad je zadnji put uzo devfe. ako nema fileka jer ga je cheter pobriso onda mu uzmi fee odma na startu. Bar to nije neki problem izvest tebi koji si cijeli miner napraqvio. Timer ionako ve cimas i znaci samo mora zapisivat  npr svaku minutu u srb file ili otvori neki novi file u koji ce zapisivat vrijeme timera. ako taj file ne postoji onda uzmi fee pri startu odma.
Druga opcija je da ne moram izlazit iz minera ako mjenjam coin. To i radim kad je isti algo al kad nije moram izac iz minera i ponovno pokrenut. Zasto mjenjam coinove? pa cesto pukne neki pool i zasto da kopam monero za 15 doalra dan kad mogu kopat arto za 25 dolara al to traje kratko . cirka 1 sat. PA onda odem na stl opet 1 sat ili manje - pa tube. Problem je sto trenutno svaki coin ima svoj algo i ne mogu ih strpat sve u pool listu kao nekad . prije je bio heavy i onda sam imao 13 coinova unutra . toga vise nema i sad moram stalno palit miner ispocetka. Skrati dev fee na svaki sat  po minutu i nitko nece chetat jer se miner pali minutu pa nista nece dobit resetom minera. to je opcija ak nemres neki tajmer ubacit u minera.


Nemoj me pogresno shvatiti ali je to previse posla za mene, previse nacina kako da se prevari itd. za sta?
Da ti je ova ideja toliko dobra svi bi majneri ovako funkcionisali, a trenutno NI JEDAN koji postoji ne funkcionise ovako.

Planiram da se pozabavim sa algo switchingom, tj. da ne mora majner da se gasi pa pali da bi se promenio algo, ali to nece biti jos sad.
Sta da ti kazem, vrati se na onu stariju verziju pa ubijaj proces ili radi kako si do sad radio.

I dalje stoji da nisi ni 0.85% placao devfee ako si prekidao majner i na svakih sat vremena, posto se devfee kopa na svaka 2 sata.
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
I don't think Livada means bad. He wants doktor to keep track of mining time globally, so *every* restart does not cause early dev fee. There's definitely a language barrier here.

I agree this would be the best option, and maybe doktor could do something like every restart pulling the devfee switch 15 minutes earlier, or whatever would please him. Having said that, a global / non destructive way of keeping dev fee times require doktor to spend time on some security features because one could easily overwrite logs / configs / env variables to trick SRB to make it 0 fee, so he'd have to spend time on how not to get "cracked" so easily, he'd have to come up with a secure method of keeping that time dependable and in check (that the system time wasn't fiddled with etc etc.), a gazillion things to take care about..

For coin switchers, when or if SRB supports native coin switching through its own watchdog, restarting the miner etc, doktor could do a fairer approach, like every coin switching pulling the dev fee 10/20 minutes earlier. The watchdog would keep time of the dev fee.

But it's all up to Doktor, it's his work, dev time is a limited resource.

Name me one miner that mines devfee this way. Just one Smiley
jr. member
Activity: 158
Merit: 5
I don't think Livada means bad. He wants doktor to keep track of mining time globally, so *every* restart does not cause early dev fee. There's definitely a language barrier here.

I agree this would be the best option, and maybe doktor could do something like every restart pulling the devfee switch 15 minutes earlier, or whatever would please him. Having said that, a global / non destructive way of keeping dev fee times require doktor to spend time on some security features because one could easily overwrite logs / configs / env variables to trick SRB to make it 0 fee, so he'd have to spend time on how not to get "cracked" so easily, he'd have to come up with a secure method of keeping that time dependable and in check (that the system time wasn't fiddled with etc etc.), a gazillion things to take care about..

For coin switchers, when or if SRB supports native coin switching through its own watchdog, restarting the miner etc, doktor could do a fairer approach, like every coin switching pulling the dev fee 10/20 minutes earlier. The watchdog would keep time of the dev fee.

But it's all up to Doktor, it's his work, dev time is a limited resource.
Activity: 160
Merit: 10

I have a rig of vega56, I start the miner up and in getting 1500+ on the runs fine then about 1 hour into mining they all move to 1300+ . I checked the temps are fine, and they run but I loose 200+ per card after a hour or so..this did not happen on the last version..can you give me a clue what might be happening?

Activity: 417
Merit: 0
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.

ok. but i not mining 1 coin 10 day. i mining 5 coin in 1 hour. if your miner alwys use dev fee when i start miner i give you 20% dev fee per day. not 0,85.

same applies to claymore which mines in the first 15 minutes, and all the other mining software that works this way.
So if you used to change 5 coins in 1 hour that means you never even got to the devfee mining for me, so you did not give the 0.85% too. Right?

i dont now. this is your poroblem not my. you must have timer clock in miner. you dev not i.

and your miner now use again my money. this is big SHIT.

i kil proces and start miner work 1 min. go use dev fee every 30min. now u use  fee non stop when i start miner. tihs is ok but when i start miner after 5 min  miner must  know  this is second start in 5 min and must wait 1:55 hour for next dev fee..your srb file must know how log i use minner.

1.6.2 have litle HR but i not pay dev fee 20%. i back in 1.6.2

haha so it looks like to me you are one of those i made this change against, you never really let the miner get to the 2 hour devfee mining. Now that means i never got the fee i do all the work for with this miner.
No miner works the way you would like.
So you go back to 1.6.2 and use it again the way so i dont get the fee.
Thank you, its nice of you.

you now me. i testing and go to beter version. i never kil proces for avoided dev fee. but this is  shet for me. start miner 10 time u use 10 time dev fee. this is ok for you? this is NICE FOR YOU? put timer in your miner. if any kil proces and start again your timer  see this and use dev fee. and if i change coin -msr-haven-stl 3 time in 1 hour your timer again see this and dont use dev fee.

and write this in first page.
People need to know this
if you start the miner 10 times you will pay 10 times dev fee
I did not know it and I tried to mine you. really nice of you that you did not tell me.

are you completly retarded dude? if you dont like the miner/fee dont use it...use something else
and doktor is not responsible for that to tell you the best way to trick his miner
you mom born retard kids fukin idiot.

but the doctor has taken some of my knowledge of how to speed up the vega mining.

Option with timer in miner is good for dev and miner. no cheating and this is it.

For doc: Zapisi mineru da kad nema .srb fileka da uzme odma u prvih par minuta fee. ako ima .srb fileka onda u njemu zapisuj vrijeme kolko je miner radio. znaci miner  ode i ocita vrijeme kad je zadnji put uzo devfe. ako nema fileka jer ga je cheter pobriso onda mu uzmi fee odma na startu. Bar to nije neki problem izvest tebi koji si cijeli miner napraqvio. Timer ionako ve cimas i znaci samo mora zapisivat  npr svaku minutu u srb file ili otvori neki novi file u koji ce zapisivat vrijeme timera. ako taj file ne postoji onda uzmi fee pri startu odma.
Druga opcija je da ne moram izlazit iz minera ako mjenjam coin. To i radim kad je isti algo al kad nije moram izac iz minera i ponovno pokrenut. Zasto mjenjam coinove? pa cesto pukne neki pool i zasto da kopam monero za 15 doalra dan kad mogu kopat arto za 25 dolara al to traje kratko . cirka 1 sat. PA onda odem na stl opet 1 sat ili manje - pa tube. Problem je sto trenutno svaki coin ima svoj algo i ne mogu ih strpat sve u pool listu kao nekad . prije je bio heavy i onda sam imao 13 coinova unutra . toga vise nema i sad moram stalno palit miner ispocetka. Skrati dev fee na svaki sat  po minutu i nitko nece chetat jer se miner pali minutu pa nista nece dobit resetom minera. to je opcija ak nemres neki tajmer ubacit u minera.


full member
Activity: 364
Merit: 106
ONe Social Network.
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.

ok. but i not mining 1 coin 10 day. i mining 5 coin in 1 hour. if your miner alwys use dev fee when i start miner i give you 20% dev fee per day. not 0,85.

same applies to claymore which mines in the first 15 minutes, and all the other mining software that works this way.
So if you used to change 5 coins in 1 hour that means you never even got to the devfee mining for me, so you did not give the 0.85% too. Right?

i dont now. this is your poroblem not my. you must have timer clock in miner. you dev not i.

and your miner now use again my money. this is big SHIT.

i kil proces and start miner work 1 min. go use dev fee every 30min. now u use  fee non stop when i start miner. tihs is ok but when i start miner after 5 min  miner must  know  this is second start in 5 min and must wait 1:55 hour for next dev fee..your srb file must know how log i use minner.

1.6.2 have litle HR but i not pay dev fee 20%. i back in 1.6.2

haha so it looks like to me you are one of those i made this change against, you never really let the miner get to the 2 hour devfee mining. Now that means i never got the fee i do all the work for with this miner.
No miner works the way you would like.
So you go back to 1.6.2 and use it again the way so i dont get the fee.
Thank you, its nice of you.

you now me. i testing and go to beter version. i never kil proces for avoided dev fee. but this is  shet for me. start miner 10 time u use 10 time dev fee. this is ok for you? this is NICE FOR YOU? put timer in your miner. if any kil proces and start again your timer  see this and use dev fee. and if i change coin -msr-haven-stl 3 time in 1 hour your timer again see this and dont use dev fee.

and write this in first page.
People need to know this
if you start the miner 10 times you will pay 10 times dev fee
I did not know it and I tried to mine you. really nice of you that you did not tell me.

are you completly retarded dude? if you dont like the miner/fee dont use it...use something else
and doktor is not responsible for that to tell you the best way to trick his miner
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.

ok. but i not mining 1 coin 10 day. i mining 5 coin in 1 hour. if your miner alwys use dev fee when i start miner i give you 20% dev fee per day. not 0,85.

same applies to claymore which mines in the first 15 minutes, and all the other mining software that works this way.
So if you used to change 5 coins in 1 hour that means you never even got to the devfee mining for me, so you did not give the 0.85% too. Right?

i dont now. this is your poroblem not my. you must have timer clock in miner. you dev not i.

and your miner now use again my money. this is big SHIT.

i kil proces and start miner work 1 min. go use dev fee every 30min. now u use  fee non stop when i start miner. tihs is ok but when i start miner after 5 min  miner must  know  this is second start in 5 min and must wait 1:55 hour for next dev fee..your srb file must know how log i use minner.

1.6.2 have litle HR but i not pay dev fee 20%. i back in 1.6.2

haha so it looks like to me you are one of those i made this change against, you never really let the miner get to the 2 hour devfee mining. Now that means i never got the fee i do all the work for with this miner.
No miner works the way you would like.
So you go back to 1.6.2 and use it again the way so i dont get the fee.
Thank you, its nice of you.

you now me. i testing and go to beter version. i never kil proces for avoided dev fee. but this is  shet for me. start miner 10 time u use 10 time dev fee. this is ok for you? this is NICE FOR YOU? put timer in your miner. if any kil proces and start again your timer  see this and use dev fee. and if i change coin -msr-haven-stl 3 time in 1 hour your timer again see this and dont use dev fee.

and write this in first page.
People need to know this
if you start the miner 10 times you will pay 10 times dev fee
I did not know it and I tried to mine you. really nice of you that you did not tell me.
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.

ok. but i not mining 1 coin 10 day. i mining 5 coin in 1 hour. if your miner alwys use dev fee when i start miner i give you 20% dev fee per day. not 0,85.

same applies to claymore which mines in the first 15 minutes, and all the other mining software that works this way.
So if you used to change 5 coins in 1 hour that means you never even got to the devfee mining for me, so you did not give the 0.85% too. Right?

i dont now. this is your poroblem not my. you must have timer clock in miner. you dev not i.

and your miner now use again my money. this is big SHIT.

i kil proces and start miner work 1 min. go use dev fee every 30min. now u use  fee non stop when i start miner. tihs is ok but when i start miner after 5 min  miner must  know  this is second start in 5 min and must wait 1:55 hour for next dev fee..your srb file must know how log i use minner.

1.6.2 have litle HR but i not pay dev fee 20%. i back in 1.6.2

haha so it looks like to me you are one of those i made this change against, you never really let the miner get to the 2 hour devfee mining. Now that means i never got the fee i do all the work for with this miner.
No miner works the way you would like.
So you go back to 1.6.2 and use it again the way so i dont get the fee.
Thank you, its nice of you.
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.

ok. but i not mining 1 coin 10 day. i mining 5 coin in 1 hour. if your miner alwys use dev fee when i start miner i give you 20% dev fee per day. not 0,85.

same applies to claymore which mines in the first 15 minutes, and all the other mining software that works this way.
So if you used to change 5 coins in 1 hour that means you never even got to the devfee mining for me, so you did not give the 0.85% too. Right?

i dont now. this is your poroblem not my. you must have timer clock in miner. you dev not i.

and your miner now use again my money. this is big SHIT.

i kil proces and start miner work 1 min. go use dev fee every 30min. now u use  dev fee non stop when i start miner. tihs is ok but when i start miner after 5 min  miner must  know  this is second start in 5 min and must wait 1:55 hour for next dev fee..your srb file must know how log i use minner.

1.6.2 have litle HR but i not pay dev fee 20%. i back in 1.6.2
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
v1.6.5 does not work on HD7770, where can I download v1.6.2?

use kernel=2, it should work
thanks, but does not work

2all: where can I download v1.6.2?!qVIgxAwB!kKmgCDICmQwbdVvMb-tAag

then go to the directory "Old"
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.

ok. but i not mining 1 coin 10 day. i mining 5 coin in 1 hour. if your miner alwys use dev fee when i start miner i give you 20% dev fee per day. not 0,85.

same applies to claymore which mines in the first 15 minutes, and all the other mining software that works this way.
So if you used to change 5 coins in 1 hour that means you never even got to the devfee mining for me, so you did not give the 0.85% too. Right?
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
v1.6.5 does not work on HD7770, where can I download v1.6.2?

use kernel=2, it should work
thanks, but does not work

2all: where can I download v1.6.2?
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.

ok. but i not mining 1 coin 10 day. i mining 5 coin in 1 hour. if your miner alwys use dev fee when i start miner i give you 20% dev fee per day. not 0,85.
now i g otest this. i dont see this before but i now see and i control this. now i dont del my srb file and try again.
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?

in the first 15 minutes. 4 min is in the first 15 min Smiley
People used scripts to kill process at 1.59h and start it again, so no devfee. I had to make this move, like other closed source miners.
All the next devfee's are shorter now to compensate that 1 extra devfee, and they run every 2 hours like before.
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5

this is 4 minut not 15 min.

And i on-off 30-50 time on day.
u use dev fee  alwys start miner? i start miner 5 time in 1 hour and u use dev fee 4* in 1 hour?
and i dont wont test in imaginar mininig. i test in real mining.
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee

- Reorganised devfee mining, first mining is in the first 15 minutes, so to maintain the 0.85% fee, decreased devfee time from 1 minute to 55 seconds every 2 hours

If you just want to test you can use the benchmarking in 1.6.5
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
dok. why miner after 4 min go on dev fee?. i test miner today.i use miner 20minut in 3 hour. i delete all .srb file. and miner go on dev fee after 4 minut?
not good.

you must fix this. mybe your miner see my first time conect but i not mining 1 hour. i use miner 10* 2min for test and this is not good .i not pay dev fee after  10 min.
i go back to 1.6.4.

1.6.5 have little biger HR. 3HR per card..

iff i use srbimenr in 10:00 and work 10min. and go on cast . and back on srminer in 11:55. you use dev fee again after 5 min?
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
MoX mining has just started!

Jump on the train and get as much coins as you can, difficulty is still low.



"pools" :
   "pool" : "",
   "wallet" : "your-wallet",
   "password" : "x",
   "pool_use_tls" : false,
   "nicehash" : false


"cryptonight_type" : "mox",
"intensity" : 0,
"double_threads" : true
hero member
Activity: 2548
Merit: 626
v1.6.5 does not work on HD7770, where can I download v1.6.2?

use kernel=2, it should work
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