OH right? so he didn't say VPN usage was allowed? That's interesting. Well the video i have as evidence must be the one that hasn't been deleted yet
Also, very fitting how he himself uses stake when he is from Australia.
Lawyer: Eddie where were you on these dates where you accessed the site stake.com (lie in court? Maybe he was on holiday all those days)
Lawyer: Why were you accessing stake.com from an unlicensed jurisdiction? (legally DOES NOT matter if you are the owner or not)
Lawyer: Do you see how you are misguiding your followers by accessing stake.com from Australia Mr Craven?
Lawyer: Why do streamers your company endorse such as classybeef say its okay to use VPN?
Lawyer: Why do you not make sure ALL your customers are verified before accepting bets from them?
It will be fun.
Their lawyer: Did you read the TOS when you registered at stake.com?
You: No.
Their lawyer: Yet when you registered you agreed to those terms?
You: Yes.
Judge: Case closed.
It won’t even come to a trial because you will be buried in beeidender against you and no small time lawyer can handle this without getting paid. Obviously you have no money to pay him, otherwise this desperate freeroll attempt of yours wouldn’t spam this thread every day.
Stop spamming! This thread is not about you and your ridiculous case. There are people that actually want to read and discuss real matter here. You only use this thread for your freeroll attempt.