
Topic: State of Florida attacks Bitcoin - page 7. (Read 8286 times)

sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
February 09, 2014, 03:41:17 PM
Entrapment has been and always will be a common tactic amongst law enforcement in America.

If they know people wan't prostitutes they will set up fake prostitution stings , if they know people want drugs they will have undercovers selling drugs, if they know people want to launder their illegally gained funds they will set up sting ops that would attract those type of people.

I don't think this is an attack on bitcoin so much,  just another example of police going undercover and offering illegal things/services and then see who bites.

What "illegal things" were offered by the undercover lawn enforcement orificer to the bitcoin seller? It was just an exchange of bitcoin for dollars. It's clearly just another case of flat out persecution. The only criminals here are the costumed thugs who kidnapped these men at gunpoint and locked them in cages for absolutely no justifiable reason. Those men harmed no one. There is no victim here. There is no loss and no injury and no fraud. Therefore, there is no crime.

You missed a key part of the story where the undercover agent told the bitcoin seller that he was going to use the bitcoins to purchase stolen credit card information.  Thats the key part in this case, and probably the only reason an arrest was/could be made.  It's one thing to exchange bitcoins for cash, it's another thing to do it when the buyer specifically tells you he intends to use the bitcoins for illegal reasons and you STILL go through with the trade.

"According to court documents, the agent told Michelhack that he wanted to use the Bitcoins to purchase stolen credit cards online. "

Like I said earlier, it's a legal form of entrapment and it's something law enforcements do for all sorts of illegal things.  The issue here isn't so much bitcoin , but selling bitcoin to someone who told you they would be used for a crime.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1005
February 09, 2014, 03:27:18 PM
I wouldn't jump to conclusions from the sparse facts in these news stories.  I'd like to see the actual complaints.  The media often gets things completely wrong.  One story, for instance, claims they're using the state equivalent of the statute used on Charlie Shrem, but doesn't actually say which statute (there are two charges in that complaint) or what part of it, or what they're actually alleging other than that people sold Bitcoin.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
February 09, 2014, 03:24:26 PM
Incompetent politicians and law enforcement always end up blaming the messenger.
Thats why I think bitcoin should have kept a low profile all along.
full member
Activity: 130
Merit: 100
February 09, 2014, 03:15:22 PM
First, read the articles at these links:

Summary of those links is that the in Florida, the state decided to go after some localbitcoin traders for money laundering after setting up a live in person exchange.

Bitcoin is not cocaine. Bitcoin is not crack. It is not cannabis. It is not stolen guns with the serial numbers filed off.

There are a variety of forces that fear technology they do not understand.
There are a variety of forces that fear any technology that breakdowns international borders and barriers.

We, the people who support bitcoin, need to come out in the defense of the guys who were arrested in Florida and support bitcoin.

Yes they fear it and they have good reason to.

Don't expect the Powers That Be to go down without a fight.  And they will fight dirty, and they will probably win for the most part, but just keep your head down and try not to get busted like these dudes were, when doing nothing wrong.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
February 09, 2014, 03:11:56 PM
Florida is an ideal pro-dollars state. The reason is, it has lots of retirees who are on Social Security. Retire to Florida the saying used to be. And that's what thousands of elderly people have done.

The state has been living off the money those retirees spend, and neither the retirees or the state want anything to do with a form of trade that could destroy money and their way of life.

Think of it. If Bitcoin became popular, and people started using it in place of money in a big way, we could actually see a collapse of the money system. That would mean the collapse of both the resources for the retired elderly, and the state as well.

While this will not likely happen for some time, Florida is having nothing to do with it. They are "nipping it in the bud" so to speak, and trying to earn some free money off the accused, who probably won't get their money back even if the charges are dropped.

Activity: 75
Merit: 10
February 09, 2014, 01:11:32 PM
Entrapment has been and always will be a common tactic amongst law enforcement in America.

If they know people wan't prostitutes they will set up fake prostitution stings , if they know people want drugs they will have undercovers selling drugs, if they know people want to launder their illegally gained funds they will set up sting ops that would attract those type of people.

I don't think this is an attack on bitcoin so much,  just another example of police going undercover and offering illegal things/services and then see who bites.

What "illegal things" were offered by the undercover lawn enforcement orificer to the bitcoin seller? It was just an exchange of bitcoin for dollars. It's clearly just another case of flat out persecution. The only criminals here are the costumed thugs who kidnapped these men at gunpoint and locked them in cages for absolutely no justifiable reason. Those men harmed no one. There is no victim here. There is no loss and no injury and no fraud. Therefore, there is no crime.

sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
February 09, 2014, 11:43:37 AM
Entrapment has been and always will be a common tactic amongst law enforcement in America.

If they know people wan't prostitutes they will set up fake prostitution stings , if they know people want drugs they will have undercovers selling drugs, if they know people want to launder their illegally gained funds they will set up sting ops that would attract those type of people.

I don't think this is an attack on bitcoin so much,  just another example of police going undercover and offering illegal things/services and then see who bites.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
February 09, 2014, 10:57:11 AM
First, read the articles at these links:

Summary of those links is that the in Florida, the state decided to go after some localbitcoin traders for money laundering after setting up a live in person exchange.

Bitcoin is not cocaine. Bitcoin is not crack. It is not cannabis. It is not stolen guns with the serial numbers filed off.

There are a variety of forces that fear technology they do not understand.
There are a variety of forces that fear any technology that breakdowns international borders and barriers.

We, the people who support bitcoin, need to come out in the defense of the guys who were arrested in Florida and support bitcoin.

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