452157ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 24674 hps target: 30 queue: 104 estimated time to produce: 625 minutes
Not sure if this is good hash rate or not 24,674 hps using 6 threads on CPU. Someone be as kind to tell me what block rewards are per block ?
how many coins per day with that hash, looking to see if this is somehow convenient to mine even with cpu only
If the estimate time to produce is correct that means he would find about 2 POW each day with that cpu, if difficulty stays same. The 2 POW would be steem power, not liquid steem though.
So how does one generate coins that can be spendable then?
Mine SP -> power down SP (1/104 of SP balance per week) -> STEEM
As you continue to mine your SP balance grows (both from mining rewards and anti-dilution payments) and you can power down more per week.
So you can mine spendable coins, but you just can't mine and dump quickly. It requires a longer term commitment.