Amazon is refusing to publish books or at least I've heard of one recently. Social media "censoring" content. If you can't see the direction all of this is going then you've got your head buried in the sand.
Nice dance moves. Amazon has the right to not publish whatever the fuck they want. I don't think you actually understand what "freedom of speech" means.
Seeing as how social media wasn't even around the last time there were major book burnings (Nazi Germany), I have to wonder what the fuck are you actually talking about. "Secretly happy with the book burning?" What book burning? Where? You're equating videos hosted by YouTube being taken off YouTube with someone's books being forcibly confiscated and then burned. This is a bit retarded of a comparison.
Stefan Molyneux does have books but you're a fucking idiot if you actually think I want them burned.
What's the equal for an ebook to a physical book burning of physical books?
It consists of removing the ebook from availability, which has three primary ways.
A) Not providing the ebook's source in google or other search algorithms.
B) Not providing the ebook when the end user has the correct location.
C) Removing the DNS of the correct location.
The equivalent would be somebody deleting the content of your computer or mobile device and the action being sanctioned by the government. I'm all for net neutrality, but I'm against social media companies being forced to service customers they feel are bad for business.
Start your own social media service. Literally anyone can do so. Problem solved.