
Topic: Stefan Molyneux Youtube Account and 2k Reddit Subs Terminated Today.. - page 4. (Read 1011 times)

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
More strawman arguments. Boo fucking hoo. If they want the liability protections of being a public square they need to actually operate as a public square. Shed some more tears for the oligarchs and corporate overlords. Maybe it will put out the fire on the burning books.

Just an observation - a public square with mandated content would likely require to be publicly funded. Personally I don't care if that whole steaming pile of social media disappears.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
They are a monopoly, they are acting as publishers, and violating their own terms of service, so no, they aren't free to do whatever they want. This is illegal and action needs to be taken against these modern book burners.

It's worth considering also that almost everything that makes these types of businesses possible was funded at the time of it's creation by taxpayers.  This includes the internet itself (DARPA) and a plethora of public educational institutions and research organization who take a lot of tax dollars (e.g., NASA, ARL, etc.)  It was also countless hours of volunteer time and effort on the part of scientists and developers who very often are mortified at what their work has become...or would be if they were still alive.

These slimeball leaches (Jewtube (under the management of Google who probably only got off the ground via In-Q-Tel or the like), Twitter, etc) are riding on the shoulders of giants...and dribbling piss down their necks.

Even if Molyneux is a pretentious and boring bozo he still should not be censored and terminated.  It's been about 4 years since I suffered through even a part of one of his vids, so if he got into CP or some such material since then then I would retract my statement.  I kind of doubt that.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
[Appeal to authority, straw man arguments, ad homnem attacks]

There wasn't one logically valid point in this whole screed. People have a right to equal representation under the law, and that is what they are NOT getting. These companies enjoy protections carved out for public forums, which literally yes gives users a RIGHT to use them as much as they allow anyone else with differing ideological views. If they want to operate as publishers then they need to operate within the law and be regulated as publishers. They want to benefit from protections of open forums while they curate content. They don't have a right to do this.

However, there's no such thing as a right to social media.
That's always the excuse given by those that are at least secretly happy with the "book burning". Social media has become the new "town center". The sooner everyone realizes that, the sooner things can be put in place that take that into account for the benefit of everyone.

Fuck you.

It's a statement of fact.

If you want the government to mandate that social media companies have to give a platform to everybody or even just certain individuals, write your representatives in congress and convince them to pass such a law.

No, fuck you little girl. We want the government to mandate these companies be held responsible under the laws that already exist. You enjoy warming yourself in front of the fire while you can.

Don't forget a new tax to finance it. Or maybe just borrow more from China, this seems to be the new conservative approach. Because sure as shit the "town square" isn't gonna sustain itself if they're forced to publish stuff that no advertiser wants to be associated with.

More strawman arguments. Boo fucking hoo. If they want the liability protections of being a public square they need to actually operate as a public square. Shed some more tears for the oligarchs and corporate overlords. Maybe it will put out the fire on the burning books.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
If you want the government to mandate that social media companies have to give a platform to everybody or even just certain individuals, write your representatives in congress and convince them to pass such a law.

Don't forget a new tax to finance it. Or maybe just borrow more from China, this seems to be the new conservative approach. Because sure as shit the "town square" isn't gonna sustain itself if they're forced to publish stuff that no advertiser wants to be associated with.
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 320
However, there's no such thing as a right to social media.
That's always the excuse given by those that are at least secretly happy with the "book burning". Social media has become the new "town center". The sooner everyone realizes that, the sooner things can be put in place that take that into account for the benefit of everyone.
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 320
I looked at his wikipedia page

Ofcourse the wikipedia page is slander..
I watched a total of one of his "race" videos half a year ago or so. It was crystal clear to me from the way he used misrepresented the stats he was presenting what his agenda was and that he wasn't trying to present a well balanced perspective on the issue. I particularly loved how he was constantly doing the "I'm not saying... " in the video. When someone goes overboard with that sort of thing, you know that's exactly what they're saying. Maybe it was just easier for me to spot what he was doing given I was familiar with the issue and data. Won't shed a tear over someone like that getting the boot.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Seems very fucked up to (1) recognize that social media is evil but (2) use it to indoctrinate the "sheep" as long as it's the "correct" doctrine. Would it be ok to run ponzi schemes or sell meth to finance conservative campaigns?

Social media isn't evil by any means but it gives people an amplified voice and removes any filter. Having the cloak of anonymity will void people of any humanity they had left because they face no repercussion for the words they say. Twitter's a good example of hard left groups that tend to be an echo chamber of people recyling the same political content amongst themselves with no sort of scrutiny causing confirmation bias. Then on the other hand Facebook tends to have conservative circles that regurgitate the same brain dead snowflake/libtard memes.

It makes people toxic. Politicians jump on the bandwagon too trying to make good edgy tweets for news bites.
Social media certainly can be evil.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514

Seems very fucked up to (1) recognize that social media is evil but (2) use it to indoctrinate the "sheep" as long as it's the "correct" doctrine. Would it be ok to run ponzi schemes or sell meth to finance conservative campaigns?

Social media isn't evil by any means but it gives people an amplified voice and removes any filter. Having the cloak of anonymity will void people of any humanity they had left because they face no repercussion for the words they say. Twitter's a good example of hard left groups that tend to be an echo chamber of people recyling the same political content amongst themselves with no sort of scrutiny causing confirmation bias. Then on the other hand Facebook tends to have conservative circles that regurgitate the same brain dead snowflake/libtard memes.

It makes people toxic. Politicians jump on the bandwagon too trying to make good edgy tweets for news bites.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262

Seems very fucked up to (1) recognize that social media is evil but (2) use it to indoctrinate the "sheep" as long as it's the "correct" doctrine. Would it be ok to run ponzi schemes or sell meth to finance conservative campaigns?

So it's hypocritical for anyone who disagrees with the way youtube and facebook are ran to use them?

Would it be unethical to speak about democracy in china?
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever

Seems very fucked up to (1) recognize that social media is evil but (2) use it indoctrinate the "sheep" as long as it's the "correct" doctrine. Would it be ok to run ponzi schemes or sell meth to finance conservative campaigns?

Any medicine can become a toxic poison. Any tool can be turned into a weapon. I can build a house with a hammer, or use it to cave your skull in, it doesn't make the hammer bad. Your premise is null on its face.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
What's the end game?
Ultimate power over the peasant classes..

Seems very nebulous. ~10-15 years ago the social media as we know it didn't really exist. Was it created specifically to control the peasants or did it somehow get subverted? As far as I can tell people voluntarily join it and even give up their privacy for whatever it is they get from it. I would understand advocating against that loss of privacy and against the use of social media in general, but instead we have this bizarre desire even by conservatives to get in on the whole scheme. Something doesn't compute here.

Actually, well, reverse that last statement. This is exactly what computation - computers - are doing.

Software has a way of starting off exciting and innovative, and then as it ages, say at five to ten years of maturity, morphing into total evil. This is new, but we are observing it. Google, Facebook, Twitter, many others. Can one observe a trend over time, and what is that trend?

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909

Seems very fucked up to (1) recognize that social media is evil but (2) use it to indoctrinate the "sheep" as long as it's the "correct" doctrine. Would it be ok to run ponzi schemes or sell meth to finance conservative campaigns?
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262
What's the end game?
Ultimate power over the peasant classes..

Seems very nebulous. ~10-15 years ago the social media as we know it didn't really exist. Was it created specifically to control the peasants or did it somehow get subverted? As far as I can tell people voluntarily join it and even give up their privacy for whatever it is they get from it. I would understand advocating against that loss of privacy and against the use of social media in general, but instead we have this bizarre desire even by conservatives to get in on the whole scheme. Something doesn't compute here.

People are brainless NPC attention whores addicted to likes.. Most people are completely oblivious sheep..
Look at what tiktok is doing to our young generation.. Sexualizing them, indoctrinating them, getting them addicted to the likes..

The NSA/CIA have big interest in social media and big tech companies.. Something like they "never imagined people would voluntarily carry tracking devices in their pocket everywhere they go and update the internet about everything they do including current pictures"... Can't find the quote..
Like the Chinese social credit score system.. They spy on everything..
Those seeking ultimate power love the big data.. Those in charge of big data know what they have..
Always seeking more ways to get more data.. It's part of their arsenal..

Social media is also a very valuable tool for everyone to use to disseminate information and advertise..
With things like elections it is also very valuable to conservatives to advertise and get their messages out.. Get seen..
It is even valuable to anarchist philosophers to spread their message.. To have an audience..
If you are going to commit your life to speaking about libertarianism, or whatever, you need the views for ads and/or donations so you can make a living doing it.. Life isn't free..

It's the best way of reaching out to the masses, no matter your message, and the big tech companies are onboard with pushing narratives because they want in on the power side and they make government deals to get tax breaks and such..

Facebook isn't going to get a tax hike from leftists if they cooperate with them..
These big companies probably don't pay much of shit in taxes..
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Seems very nebulous. ~10-15 years ago the social media as we know it didn't really exist. Was it created specifically to control the peasants or did it somehow get subverted? As far as I can tell people voluntarily join it and even give up their privacy for whatever it is they get from it. I would understand advocating against that loss of privacy and against the use of social media in general, but instead we have this bizarre desire even by conservatives to get in on the whole scheme. Something doesn't compute here.

Traps work best with bait.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
What's the end game?
Ultimate power over the peasant classes..

Seems very nebulous. ~10-15 years ago the social media as we know it didn't really exist. Was it created specifically to control the peasants or did it somehow get subverted? As far as I can tell people voluntarily join it and even give up their privacy for whatever it is they get from it. I would understand advocating against that loss of privacy and against the use of social media in general, but instead we have this bizarre desire even by conservatives to get in on the whole scheme. Something doesn't compute here.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262
What's the end game?
Ultimate power over the peasant classes..

They've been happy to allow all sorts of nutjobbery until recently... seems like a shift in public opinion is happening and forcing the tech giants to rethink their business model and not the other way around.

Nah... They are just always upping their propaganda and censorship game more and more..
Google search results have been biased forever..
Youtube changed their search algorithm a long time ago to promote only "mainstream" news..
Facebook bans anything they can get away with that isn't progressive..

It's been going on for a very long time..
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I think he might be a real scientist... nutildah?

We were talking about censorship right?
Stripped of his titles over inconvenient truth.. A fine example of censorship..


Hello, world of Lysenko!

Science subjugated to politics. Truth is lies, freedom is chains.

History tells us this does not end well.

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
now that this reality is manifesting

What is manifesting? Civil war?
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Thank you for explaining what I do and how I think but your useless rant doesn't answer anything in my post, which wasn't even addressed to you to begin with. I think at this point it's safe to say that you're wasting your time trying to scare me with your doomsday shit but I'll happily pretend to be impressed by it if that scratches your itch.

It was in fact an answer, just not one you want to hear. I am not trying to scare you, I am well aware your head is lodged far too firmly up your own ass to have sensible fear over the results of what you are promoting. I was warning about how these kinds of activities would result in civil war in the US for years, and you mocked the idea, and now that this reality is manifesting you turn around and say I WANT and was PROMOTING civil war.

You can lie to everyone else, you can lie to yourself, but none of that is going to protect you from the results of your lies. Maybe you will have the nuts to remember that idiot you thought I was actually turned out to be you when it does come to pass, but I doubt it.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Public opinion isn't just shifting, these companies are the ones shifting it. You think this is just about right vs left. This is about the establishment vs everyone. It is one big club, and you ain't in it regardless of your delusions otherwise. You are just a tool being used until they build the system up enough to the point that they can dispose of you like a used jizz rag, then you will join the 2nd class citizens in being silenced.

Of course then it will be too late to do anything about it by the time you realize how fucking retarded you were. Then there will be no one to resist it with you because you helped silence the ones who would have, because you were fooled into thinking they were your enemy. You are allowing your personal dislike of ideas you disagree with blind you to the fact that you are building your own cage.

Thank you for explaining what I do and how I think but your useless rant doesn't answer anything in my post, which wasn't even addressed to you to begin with. I think at this point it's safe to say that you're wasting your time trying to scare me with your doomsday shit but I'll happily pretend to be impressed by it if that scratches your itch.
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