
Topic: Stefan Molyneux Youtube Account and 2k Reddit Subs Terminated Today.. - page 5. (Read 1011 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I'm not sure what to think about these companies using selective censorship like they are.. I can kinda see both sides of the coin legally.. But I still hate them..  
Too much government involved either way imo.. If it was an actual free market I wouldn't give a shit..

No question the big tech companies are teaming up to influence the election, influence politics, and influence public opinion in general..

What's the end game? Why would big companies go against the big-business-friendly tax-cutting anti-regulation president?

They've been happy to allow all sorts of nutjobbery until recently... seems like a shift in public opinion is happening and forcing the tech giants to rethink their business model and not the other way around. If they could make more money by allowing those pseudo scientists and other bullshit to continue - I don't doubt they would.

Public opinion isn't just shifting, these companies are the ones shifting it. You think this is just about right vs left. This is about the establishment vs everyone. It is one big club, and you ain't in it regardless of your delusions otherwise. You are just a tool being used until they build the system up enough to the point that they can dispose of you like a used jizz rag, then you will join the 2nd class citizens in being silenced.

Of course then it will be too late to do anything about it by the time you realize how fucking retarded you were. Then there will be no one to resist it with you because you helped silence the ones who would have, because you were fooled into thinking they were your enemy. You are allowing your personal dislike of ideas you disagree with blind you to the fact that you are building your own cage.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
I'm not sure what to think about these companies using selective censorship like they are.. I can kinda see both sides of the coin legally.. But I still hate them.. 
Too much government involved either way imo.. If it was an actual free market I wouldn't give a shit..

No question the big tech companies are teaming up to influence the election, influence politics, and influence public opinion in general..

What's the end game? Why would big companies go against the big-business-friendly tax-cutting anti-regulation president?

They've been happy to allow all sorts of nutjobbery until recently... seems like a shift in public opinion is happening and forcing the tech giants to rethink their business model and not the other way around. If they could make more money by allowing those pseudo scientists and other bullshit to continue - I don't doubt they would.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262

Here's the problem: he's not a scientist and taking his words as "scientific stuff" is an intellectual failure on the part of those who do. He's a social media personality and professional speaker. Nobody thinks science is "white supremacy." Actual scientists have debunked the majority of his claims and the rest of us can see them for what they actually are: inflammatory nonsense designed to give white supremacists (his primary audience) a boner.

Here's what the professor Molyneux based much of his "research" on has to say about him:[/b]

"These people are just coattail-hangers. They don't have anything new to contribute to the debate - they just try and make the debate spectacular. I've invested a huge amount of time on this issue, read all the best thinkers, and wouldn't think it would be worth my time."
"I've never seen him in the literature as having made any supplementary points to the points Jensen made, and his reputation is such that one suspects he oversimplifies the debate. You have a limited amount of time in your life, and if you look at what every nut says about every issue, you'll never have time to do anything else."
But the very same professor that Flynn got the data from, in the very same article you quote from, has a bit more to say.

"...if there's free speech, some people will be naïve enough to endorse views I think are [not rational]… If you were to tell me over the phone today the theory of evolution was wrong and every little fish was created by God, I would think, 'How pathetic.' But I certainly wouldn't try and shut you up. I might think to myself, 'I hope he doesn't get hold of some naïve young person who'll believe him, but I wouldn't stop you.'"

HE SPECIFICALLY DISAGREES WITH YOU AND REDDIT that Molyneux should be suppressed.

The article from nutildah also says such things as...
"no one should listen to anything Stefan Molyneux has to say on the topic. But not necessarily because he's wrong."
"I'm a socialist"

Stef's discussion of the topic stemmed in the first place from this thing that happened...

"The father of DNA says he still believes in a link between race, intelligence. His lab just stripped him of his titles."

Father of DNA stripped of honorary titles after saying he still believes in link between race and intelligence

A New York laboratory has cut its ties with James Watson, the Nobel prize-winning scientist who helped discover the structure of DNA, over “reprehensible” comments in which he said race and intelligence are connected.

I think he might be a real scientist... nutildah?

We were talking about censorship right?
Stripped of his titles over inconvenient truth.. A fine example of censorship..

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Here's the problem: he's not a scientist and taking his words as "scientific stuff" is an intellectual failure on the part of those who do. He's a social media personality and professional speaker. Nobody thinks science is "white supremacy." Actual scientists have debunked the majority of his claims and the rest of us can see them for what they actually are: inflammatory nonsense designed to give white supremacists (his primary audience) a boner.

Here's what the professor Molyneux based much of his "research" on has to say about him:[/b]

"These people are just coattail-hangers. They don't have anything new to contribute to the debate - they just try and make the debate spectacular. I've invested a huge amount of time on this issue, read all the best thinkers, and wouldn't think it would be worth my time."
"I've never seen him in the literature as having made any supplementary points to the points Jensen made, and his reputation is such that one suspects he oversimplifies the debate. You have a limited amount of time in your life, and if you look at what every nut says about every issue, you'll never have time to do anything else."
But the very same professor that Flynn got the data from, in the very same article you quote from, has a bit more to say.

"...if there's free speech, some people will be naïve enough to endorse views I think are [not rational]… If you were to tell me over the phone today the theory of evolution was wrong and every little fish was created by God, I would think, 'How pathetic.' But I certainly wouldn't try and shut you up. I might think to myself, 'I hope he doesn't get hold of some naïve young person who'll believe him, but I wouldn't stop you.'"

HE SPECIFICALLY DISAGREES WITH YOU AND REDDIT that Molyneux should be suppressed.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I'm not sure what to think about these companies using selective censorship like they are.. I can kinda see both sides of the coin legally.. But I still hate them..  
Too much government involved either way imo.. If it was an actual free market I wouldn't give a shit..

No question the big tech companies are teaming up to influence the election, influence politics, and influence public opinion in general..

No, you got it wrong, corporate oligarchical totalitarianism is the free market, an ideological monoculture is diversity, and book burning is providing a public platform! Totalitarianism is great, as long at it is our totalitarianism. We are too dumb to realize we are also on the same ramp to the slaughter house once this is accepted, but that's ok because we are progressive therefore we want to destroy everything anyway because we hate ourselves, the world, and you should too. Collective suicide is great. Its fer yer health.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262
I'm not sure what to think about these companies using selective censorship like they are.. I can kinda see both sides of the coin legally.. But I still hate them.. 
Too much government involved either way imo.. If it was an actual free market I wouldn't give a shit..

No question the big tech companies are teaming up to influence the election, influence politics, and influence public opinion in general..
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
You say that, but then they get denied services like DDoS protection, hosting, email, banking, etc. I guess they should just reinvent the internet if they want to speak huh?

LOL. I've always wondered what kind of person would be the reason for a "no shirt no shoes no service" sign. Now I know.

I mean you can always sue the providers of these services for discrimination if you really have your shoes and your shirt on and they're just being mean to you. Or use Tor. Or start an AM radio station.

Actually, yes they should, if they are operating as a non-editorial public data utility.

TECSHARE doesn't know the answer to this but maybe you do:

[...] it still wouldn't work if users and/or advertisers leave the platform as you can see now happening with Facebook. So then what - are you gonna force Nike and Starbucks to pay for the content you like?

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
...Nobody should be forced to give him a platform if they don't want to.

Actually, yes they should, if they are operating as a non-editorial public data utility.

Bit of the "have your cake and eat it too" problem here.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority

Right.. So anti-white racism is still just perfectly fine with reddit..
Perfect for the narrative..
And who defines what?

One might be racial type A and for a radius of a hundred miles, find the population was 90% B, C, or D. And in another location, B, C or D have that issue. I can think of having lived in three such areas myself, each with a different far-majority race. Never even considered it a problem. Never.

Reddit, google, Youtube and the like would apply a ruleset concocted in San Francisco and Los Angeles to the entire US, and the entire world. Might be a problem there?
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262
That shit is YEARS old anyway.. Old news..
It is nowhere near one of his main focuses.. Just something to cry about..

It's true though IMO Wink
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262
libel, and of course it isn't.

The data is so white supremacist, it even places Asians and Jews above whites in average IQ...

"This proves whites are the best but the asians and jews are even better".. Sooo "white supremacist", lol..
I think not..
Think what you want..

BTW Stef has a Masters Degree in history from the uni of Toronto focusing on history of philosophy..

Check out wikipedia on Bitcointalk..  "Traded accounts were reportedly used to scam people." Man they are soo good they remove all the work done on it by our community members here.. Look at the edit history to see all the deletes..

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
You say that, but then they get denied services like DDoS protection, hosting, email, banking, etc. I guess they should just reinvent the internet if they want to speak huh?

Yeah, they really should if they feel that strongly about the problem. The government shouldn't be able to force internet service provision companies to have to carry certain customers. Its against free market principles, something that you supposedly champion. If your argument about monopolies had a legal leg to stand on then you wouldn't be here complaining about white supremacists getting canned for being mass shooter incel-inciting fucksticks. You just want the government to intervene and protect your "little fee fees" from getting hurt. Lol.

Free market my ass. This is the opposite of free market. They should be forced to follow their TOS, not get the liability protections of open platforms while acting as publishers, and are operating illegal monopolies. You think this serves you but your foresight is about as long as your dick. This isn't just conservatives being banned, they are literally determining what is science and banning any dissent of any kind. You are next, this is how it works, they get idiots like you to cheer it thinking it serves you then suddenly it is you who loses access. Also "white supremacist" "incel" and "Nazi" are labels drooling retards like you use to demonize anyone you disagree with. It is just a pathetic pretext to enforce your own preferred totalitarian tendencies. You are a hypocrite and an idiot who has no idea what is in store for him.

I looked at his wikipedia page

Ofcourse the wikipedia page is slander..

The word you are looking for is libel, and of course it isn't. First of all, only a judge is capable of making that determination. Second of all, here is the justification from the Talk section of his Wikipedia page for leaving it the way that it is:

He has done some stuff about "Race and IQ", scientific data and what not, evolutionary differences of different populations the world, etc..
Scientific stuff, not "white supremacist" stuff.. (unless you want to call science "white supremacy")

Here's the problem: he's not a scientist and taking his words as "scientific stuff" is an intellectual failure on the part of those who do. He's a social media personality and professional speaker. Nobody thinks science is "white supremacy." Actual scientists have debunked the majority of his claims and the rest of us can see them for what they actually are: inflammatory nonsense designed to give white supremacists (his primary audience) a boner.

Here's what the professor Molyneux based much of his "research" on has to say about him:

"These people are just coattail-hangers. They don't have anything new to contribute to the debate - they just try and make the debate spectacular. I've invested a huge amount of time on this issue, read all the best thinkers, and wouldn't think it would be worth my time."
"I've never seen him in the literature as having made any supplementary points to the points Jensen made, and his reputation is such that one suspects he oversimplifies the debate. You have a limited amount of time in your life, and if you look at what every nut says about every issue, you'll never have time to do anything else."
"This clown is coming here and if he speaks in Auckland he'll get about 50 people, all of whom agree with him anyway, and best to ignore him..."

FWIW I think taking pride in the qualities that some people have chosen to ascribe to their race is lame, regardless of who or what color they are. It's a sad sort of vanity that people who are insecure about their worth as a human being or role on the planet undertake in order to create a false sense of superiority above others. It's entirely pathetic.

Of course it is, and Wikipedia is well known for being a venue for absolute horse shit. It would seem you in your carefully curated bubble that excludes alternative opinions, are deluded enough to think that qualifies as consensus. His information is always well sourced. You clearly don't know anything about him except for what you have been told by your fart huffing cult brethren. Differences in races exist. This is a fact. You pretend to be a champion of "true" science, but also want to maintain false pretenses when that interferes with your dogmas.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262
the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority

Right.. So anti-white racism is still just perfectly fine with reddit..
Perfect for the narrative..
copper member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1899
Amazon Prime Member #7

But Reddit deleting The_Donald is just savage... I thought that kind of shit is what Reddit is for. That's like Bitcointalk deleting Bitcoin Discussion.
Apparently reddit thinks only certain types of racism is acceptable:

Rule 1: Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and people that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.
Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.
While the rule on hate protects such groups, it does not protect all groups or all forms of identity. For example, the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority or who promote such attacks of hate.
hero member
Activity: 2646
Merit: 686
Wow.. Very sad..

Worlds current most influential philosopher, self-proclaimed annarcocapitalist, Bitcoin believer and supporter, hero of freedom, shut down by THEM...  

This is very very bad news for freedom...

I know Youtube has the freedom to do whatever they choose, but this is a huge setback for truth IMO..

They are cowards..

They are a monopoly, they are acting as publishers, and violating their own terms of service, so no, they aren't free to do whatever they want. This is illegal and action needs to be taken against these modern book burners.

I'm not an expert on that but I definitely agree that they way these huge companies use their influence to sway public opinion is terrible, scary, and wrong..
They are definitely no friends of mine..

They are all part of "them" and the influence they have is incredible..

It's a bit odd that these companies, Twitch, Youtube, and Reddit acted simultaneously to remove right wing communities/accounts. They have every right to if they find violations to their ToS. Reddit I think took the best approach. Don't agree with them banning communities, but they banned a toxic right community, and banned the commie derangement subreddit ChapoTrapHouse.

I’m not surprised that Reddit has decided to ban accounts, as they had have done it in the past too when they had banned accounts of the climate change deniers. Also YouTube and Twitch parent companies (Google and Amazon) are under constant attack by Trump, hence once again I’m not surprised that they’re targeting him in an election year. In my personal opinion it looks like these companies have colluded within themselves to hurt Trump on social media, and if Twitter and Facebook join in too then Trump will be beaten even before the elections begin.

Activity: 2296
Merit: 2262
I looked at his wikipedia page

Ofcourse the wikipedia page is slander..

He has done some stuff about "Race and IQ", scientific data and what not, evolutionary differences of different populations the world, etc..
Scientific stuff, not "white supremacist" stuff.. (unless you want to call science "white supremacy")
Here is some about it...
It explains income inequality in free markets statistics and BTFOs the "systemic racism" BS excuses the left uses..

He is extremely anti-nazi/fascism and is not a fan of the kkk or white power crazies or anything like that..

Bit hard to find his videos right now, especially old ones, or I'd link it.. That's the worst I can think of as far as "racism"..
It was years ago though.. Nothing new..
Back then he was more into philosophy and stayed away from politics more.. These days he is mostly politics..

He just hit marxism hard in the vid I posted in the OP.. And just did The Rayshard Brooks Shooting - According to an Ex-Cop
Haven't watched that yet, but maybe that did it..
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
It's a bit odd that these companies, Twitch, Youtube, and Reddit acted simultaneously to remove right wing communities/accounts. They have every right to if they find violations to their ToS. Reddit I think took the best approach. Don't agree with them banning communities, but they banned a toxic right community, and banned the commie derangement subreddit ChapoTrapHouse.
copper member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1899
Amazon Prime Member #7
I looked at his wikipedia page, and it looks like he may have some views that I strongly disagree with, assuming the page is accurate. I am not sure how prevalent these kinds of views are in his videos.

I would not defend someone who uses their platform to promote very bad things just because the person has some other views that I may agree with. If his Wikipedia page is accurate, it sounds like he has some pretty radical views with regards to race.
hero member
Activity: 2800
Merit: 595
In addition, that leading position must be sustainable over time: if competitive forces or the entry of new firms could discipline the conduct of the leading firm, courts are unlikely to find that the firm has lasting market power.

There is nothing preventing you or some other true conservative from starting conspiratube and hosting whatever you want. But I'm open to the possibility of being proven wrong by the courts, just not sure what Trump/Barr are waiting for if it's such an obvious monopoly.

You say that, but then they get denied services like DDoS protection, hosting, email, banking, etc. I guess they should just reinvent the internet if they want to speak huh?

Didn't they do that back 2008 with SOPA and PIPA act?  It wasn't successful but they could always try collaborating with their colleagues "THEM".  There is just no stopping them even if they are exposed since they literally own the internet. When there is a monopoly its going to be easy to crush anyone small as Stefan.  
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
In addition, that leading position must be sustainable over time: if competitive forces or the entry of new firms could discipline the conduct of the leading firm, courts are unlikely to find that the firm has lasting market power.

There is nothing preventing you or some other true conservative from starting conspiratube and hosting whatever you want. But I'm open to the possibility of being proven wrong by the courts, just not sure what Trump/Barr are waiting for if it's such an obvious monopoly.

You say that, but then they get denied services like DDoS protection, hosting, email, banking, etc. I guess they should just reinvent the internet if they want to speak huh?
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