You say that, but then they get denied services like DDoS protection, hosting, email, banking, etc. I guess they should just reinvent the internet if they want to speak huh?
Yeah, they really should if they feel that strongly about the problem. The government shouldn't be able to force internet service provision companies to have to carry certain customers. Its against free market principles, something that you supposedly champion. If your argument about monopolies had a legal leg to stand on then you wouldn't be here complaining about white supremacists getting canned for being mass shooter incel-inciting fucksticks. You just want the government to intervene and protect your "little fee fees" from getting hurt. Lol.
Free market my ass. This is the opposite of free market. They should be forced to follow their TOS, not get the liability protections of open platforms while acting as publishers, and are operating illegal monopolies. You think this serves you but your foresight is about as long as your dick. This isn't just conservatives being banned, they are literally determining what is science and banning any dissent of any kind. You are next, this is how it works, they get idiots like you to cheer it thinking it serves you then suddenly it is you who loses access. Also "white supremacist" "incel" and "Nazi" are labels drooling retards like you use to demonize anyone you disagree with. It is just a pathetic pretext to enforce your own preferred totalitarian tendencies. You are a hypocrite and an idiot who has no idea what is in store for him.
I looked at his wikipedia page
Ofcourse the wikipedia page is slander..
The word you are looking for is libel, and of course it isn't. First of all, only a judge is capable of making that determination. Second of all, here is the justification from the Talk section of his Wikipedia page for leaving it the way that it is:
He has done some stuff about "Race and IQ", scientific data and what not, evolutionary differences of different populations the world, etc..
Scientific stuff, not "white supremacist" stuff.. (unless you want to call science "white supremacy")
Here's the problem: he's not a scientist and taking his words as "scientific stuff" is an intellectual failure on the part of those who do. He's a social media personality and professional speaker. Nobody thinks science is "white supremacy." Actual scientists have debunked the majority of his claims and the rest of us can see them for what they actually are: inflammatory nonsense designed to give white supremacists (his primary audience) a boner.
Here's what the professor Molyneux based much of his "research" on has to say about him:
"These people are just coattail-hangers. They don't have anything new to contribute to the debate - they just try and make the debate spectacular. I've invested a huge amount of time on this issue, read all the best thinkers, and wouldn't think it would be worth my time."
"I've never seen him in the literature as having made any supplementary points to the points Jensen made, and his reputation is such that one suspects he oversimplifies the debate. You have a limited amount of time in your life, and if you look at what every nut says about every issue, you'll never have time to do anything else."
"This clown is coming here and if he speaks in Auckland he'll get about 50 people, all of whom agree with him anyway, and best to ignore him..."
FWIW I think taking pride in the qualities that some people have chosen to ascribe to their race is lame, regardless of who or what color they are. It's a sad sort of vanity that people who are insecure about their worth as a human being or role on the planet undertake in order to create a false sense of superiority above others. It's entirely pathetic.
Of course it is, and Wikipedia is well known for being a venue for absolute horse shit. It would seem you in your carefully curated bubble that excludes alternative opinions, are deluded enough to think that qualifies as consensus. His information is always well sourced. You clearly don't know anything about him except for what you have been told by your fart huffing cult brethren. Differences in races exist. This is a fact. You pretend to be a champion of "true" science, but also want to maintain false pretenses when that interferes with your dogmas.