Democracy to me is still the best form of government to me. There is a saying for countries that have witnessed quite a number of coups that "the worst democracy is better than the best military government" for the fact that I have a choice to make of the notion that I have a choice to make in the governance of my country is enough reason why I choose democracy. Another is the of criticism where civilians can do against government and not scared of soldiers knocking on your door the next hour is enough.
Democrasy is not the best form of government at all in today's time. Why? Well because you havea lot more people than you did when democrazy was created and people can havfe a lot more power now, also democrazy is a lot more available to corruption.
General democracy might not be the best form of government. But democracy as it is in America just might be. Why? Because the American democracy has a little twist to it that allows the people to overrule the government any time they want.
On top of this, we need to realize that the 12-person jury can overrule all laws. How to get an issue in front of a 12-person jury? File a claim of injury in a court of law, against government, or against a government person, and require a jury.
In addition, Federal Rules of court state that there need to be 4 things before court can even be held:
1. A complainant or claimant (plaintiff);
2. An accused (defendant);
3. REAL injury, harm or damage;
4. At least one witness, and evidence.
But if Government accuses you of anything, and you don't require these 4 things, they can do anything they want.
What this means is that most government laws don't have any affect on you. Why? What about a speeding stop? The fine is, say, $120 dollars. Have you harmed anyone or damaged his property? No? They don't have a case except if you don't require them to show real injury to someone.
How about smoking some pot at home? Did you harm anyone with real harm or damage? No? They don't have a case except if you don't require them to show real injury to someone.
"But I can't afford to fight them" Yes you can. You can require damages for them filing a false claim against you to the tune of:
1. Whatever your fine would have been - now you get it from them;
2. Loss of time, a job, and other damages they did to you by filing a false complaint against you;
3. Court costs;
4. Depending on the case, more $$$.
Your attorney is an officer of the court. His first obligation is to the court and not to you. If he won't require that they bring forward an injured person, he is screwing you. Fire him, and sue him for damages.
It's in the Federal Rules of Court. If they go against their own rules, sue them. Take them to court.