Your a noob.
Litecoin is worth 4 billion. Strat is 100 x better than LTC or BTC.
What will save this coin is plain old fundamentals.
What fundamentals? Please explain further.
Even if Stratis is better than litecoin who is to say that Stratis shouldn't be valued at 50 million and litecoin 25 million? Even if Stratis is light years ahead of Litecoin that doesn't mean its undervalued.
Have you been involved in crypto since 2011 and made millions of dollars which you have actually banked and moved onto property.
Didn;t think so. i have.
Stratis rules.
Not going to argue with N0000bs like you.
Thats the stratis community for you, you have emotional fucktards who think they are sitting on a gold mine but in reality, its pure dog shit. When you criticize and make arguments, you have the strat possie calling you noobs and not understanding shit.
Not to mention their mods like Pharaoh, they ignore community questions and take criticisms badly. They are just on their high horse thinking their top shit because they mod for stratis, its funny really.
After being out for so long, they didnt even build any community around Stratis.
That's a good point Pharaoh was actually trashing Binance in the Stratis Telegram the other day for being greedy coming at them from a socialist point of view. Pretty funny given crypto being a free market and all with little to no regulations. Not to mention Binance has actually done right by their investors.
Pharaoh and BinaryADD (complete Nazi) completely ruined the Stratis telegram and turned it into a ghost town.