Great article from @stratisfied
Stratis – A Big Deal
Build it and they will come. So the saying goes. The better mousetrap theory is seductive but untrue. Sure, build something great and you have a fighting chance. But if you want to change the world, you had better do more than hope they will come.
Without the App Store, Apple's iPhone would have been a cool product without legs. By attracting developers in their tens of thousands, the smartphone became a magical device morphing to countless forms and reshaping the lives of billions of people.
This lesson, it seems, has not been lost on the team behind Stratis.
C# Corner is a forum with 2.3 million registered members. C# - a language developed by Microsoft – is now open source. Microsoft products are embedded in millions of business computers around the world. Newly rejuvenated and pushing innovation, MS has a passionate developer base building products on their .Net platform using C#.
C# Corner was founded by Mahesh Chand. Recently appointed as a regional director at MS, he is also an advisor to Stratis. The synergy is obvious. Today in India, at the largest C# conference in the world, Chris Trew, CEO of Stratis, presented his vision of Stratis and the potential of the blockchain.
Beyond a small clique of crypto enthusiasts – even among the technically competent – the world-changing potential of this new invention is surprisingly opaque. Now, in a perfectly executed manoeuvre, Stratis has slid another piece on the chess board, hinting at the shape of the ecosystem to come.
During the conference, Chris announced a partnership with C# Corner to build a rewards system using the Stratis blockchain. This is a stroke of genius. If you want to change the world, don't just tell them what the blockchain can do – show them. With 15 million unique visitors and 60 million page views per month, C# Corner is content rich with a high level of engagement with its users. By building a production-level rewards system right at the heart of C# Corner, this engagement and content creation will be given a boost and at the same time expose millions of developers to the power of one single use-case. It is not a stretch to imagine that many will want to delve under the hood to see how it works. Metaphorical light bulbs will be ignited in one of the tightest knit, passionate, intelligent, business-savvy groups of developers the world has ever seen.
That is a big deal.
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