
Topic: Study: Everyone hates environmentalists and feminists - page 18. (Read 80480 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

What REALLY Happened With Phil Fish and Zoe Quinn

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
reminds me of playground bickering between little boys and girls

In a multi million $$$ playground that is... The issue is not if this zoe quinn is a slut or not. If you don't believe there is a cabal between all the tech and game publications, check this out:

None would talk about the scandal and what triggered it. It is a big deal when you have so much money involved and the integrity of what you read online. It is also a big deal when men are attacked and fired on a rumor but this woman is supported by the whole industry, even though she lied to get money for serious causes and spread her legs to get great cover for her anti-game, with proofs from her own online behavior. It is a big deal when you call yourself a journalist but do not mention your personal relation with the subject you cover. It is a big deal when all those men are part of the industry who would promote you personally. It would be a big deal anywhere, but not in San fran and Cali. Strange.... Roll Eyes

Activity: 1764
Merit: 1007
reminds me of playground bickering between little boys and girls
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

War on Women in the gaming industry: Anita Sarkeesian (Zoe Quinn's very good friend)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Presenting Zoe Quinn... The Feminist Storm in the indie gaming industry...

Published on Aug 18, 2014
Audio from a video originally posted by MundaneMatt, taken down by Zoe Quinn herself through spurious copyright claim. Visuals here are a placeholder.

Should MundaneMatt choose to reupload his video, this one will be removed.

Now I understand why there were so many "war on women" articles in the gaming industry for the past 3, 5 years...

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
Put a damn mesh around the sunlight focus area. Or better yet, a big drum of hot vegetable shortening under it so we can make "chicken" nuggets while making solar power.
Activity: 2926
Merit: 1386
Three dead birds per hour?
In the Mojave Desert?

Ok.  Cheesy

Well, it certainly doesn't fit the desired narrative.

Now run along and change your facts please.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Three dead birds per hour?
In the Mojave Desert?

Ok.  Cheesy

hero member
Activity: 482
Merit: 500
I don't hate environmentalists and feminists. I think that their ideas are goods,
but most of them are too mentally closed.
hero member
Activity: 675
Merit: 514
Three dead birds per hour?
In the Mojave Desert?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

All birds hate environmentalists too...

Uh oh: California solar plant fries thousands of birds in mid-flight

Workers at a state-of-the-art solar plant in the Mojave Desert have a name for birds that fly through the plant’s concentrated sun rays — “streamers,” for the smoke plume that comes from birds that ignite in midair.

Federal wildlife investigators who visited the BrightSource Energy plant last year and watched as birds burned and fell, reporting an average of one “streamer” every two minutes, are urging California officials to halt the operator’s application to build a still-bigger version.

The investigators want the halt until the full extent of the deaths can be assessed. Estimates per year now range from a low of about a thousand by BrightSource to 28,000 by an expert for the Center for Biological Diversity environmental group.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Feminist, Liberal Media Demand ‘Free Tampons’ For All

… Last week, Jessica Valenti (Feministing founder, NARAL director and Planned Parenthood heroine) asked via Twitter, “Anyone know a country where tampons are free or somehow subsidized?” The question sparked an obnoxious social media backlash, which, in turn, sparked an obnoxious retort by Valenti in her column for The Guardian: “The case for free tampons.” The liberal media, from Cosmo to TIME, followed suit with the “compelling argument” and “great idea.”

“The high cost of a product that half the population needs multiple times a day, every month for approximately 30 years,” Valenti began in her August 11 piece, “is simply, well, bullshit.” [...]

After much backlash (some of which crossed the line), Valenti’s media allies carried on the “free tampon” torch. “Now I cannot for the life of me understand how people could get so worked up about making tampons more affordable,” Jezebel’s Isha Aran lamented. She continued: “For a normal human being that has even the most basic grasp of female anatomy and understands that it’s biology that women menstruate every month or so, it’s not a crazy concept to ponder.”

Similarly, Cosmo’s Jill Filipovic added to the “compelling argument,” advising that “Employers should offer free tampons in the bathroom” to foster a “female-friendly workplace.” Slate’s Amanda Marcotte suggested the same.

Activity: 2926
Merit: 1386
The thing about environmental activists came as a complete surprise to me. I've never viewed them as anything other than positive. The compromises you mention usually involve the destruction part of our world, the world the future will inherit. That to me is more important than anything, that is humanity's future.

Maybe, maybe not.  I sure got tired of ignorant know it alls telling me to buy wormy little CFL bulbs a couple years ago.  (I was an early adopter of LED lighting).  Now I see them buying LED lights.

You know what?  I wasn't trying to tell them what to do.

They were trying to tell me what to do.

To save the world.

They were wrong, I was right.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
I have had enough unpleasant run-ins with people calling themselves feminists to see where this article is coming from. For what it is worth, I have met some people calling themselves feminists who very decent people and that convinces they aren't all to blame for the negative image described the article.

The thing about environmental activists came as a complete surprise to me. I've never viewed them as anything other than positive. The compromises you mention usually involve the destruction part of our world, the world the future will inherit. That to me is more important than anything, that is humanity's future.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

EPA Regulation Supporters Defend Electric Bill Increase

Not the smartest people...
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

British Eco-Terrorists Firebomb Home Of Man Who Works For Fracking Company…

Britain’s fracking industry has suffered its first terrorist-type attack, after the home of a shale gas worker in Northern Ireland was petrol-bombed from a passing car.

Police are looking for the driver of a dark-coloured Audi estate that was seen in the area at the time of the attack at 3.25am on Sunday, when two petrol bombs were hurled at a security guard’s house near the Belcoo shale site on the outskirts of Enniskillen in County Fermanagh.

Nobody was hurt and the property is not thought to have been damaged in the attack, which was criticised by all parties.

“This was an orchestrated and abhorrent attack on a local family in the middle of the night. We condemn this latest attack that follows a number of unlawful incidents at our Belcoo site and threats that have been made to security staff,” said a spokesman for Tamboran Resources, the fracking company running the site.

The spokesman said the company remained determined to pursue shale gas in Northern Ireland and that the attack had made no difference to its plans.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Lib Professors: Calling Your Daughter A “Princess” Is Sexist…

Eh I actually kind of see the point of the article. It is not a good thing to do to your daughter. Benevolent sexism that is. I mean its not that its evil or something. Its just teaching them that they can rely on their looks to coast through life. Which they could. But i doubt it is a very fulfilling life. Humans reach their full potential only by overcoming challenges, denying your daughter the same challenges in life that a son would have denies her the opportunity to reach her full potential.

At the same time it is hard to tell parents not to believe their daughter is special. In the animal kingdom, intelligent species treat their young as little princesses and princes. Good parenting is to make sure your princess will be ready for life, or the DNA of your family stream will fade out...

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
Lib Professors: Calling Your Daughter A “Princess” Is Sexist…

Eh I actually kind of see the point of the article. It is not a good thing to do to your daughter. Benevolent sexism that is. I mean its not that its evil or something. Its just teaching them that they can rely on their looks to coast through life. Which they could. But i doubt it is a very fulfilling life. Humans reach their full potential only by overcoming challenges, denying your daughter the same challenges in life that a son would have denies her the opportunity to reach her full potential.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Lib Professors: Calling Your Daughter A “Princess” Is Sexist…

Have you ever called your daughter “princess” or, if you are a daughter, have you been called “princess” by anyone? If so, you are sexist scum.

This important pronouncement comes from Marquette University psychology professors Stephen Franzoi and Debra Oswald.

Franzoi and Oswald reported their findings in an article called “Experiencing Sexism and Young Women’s Body Esteem.” The obscure 2012 article and underlying research are finally seeing the light of day thanks to a website called Medium.

For their study, the two professors surveyed 86 female freshmen and their parents. They asked the research subjects to evaluate their own views concerning various female attributes and roles. Additionally, they asked the students assess their own personal appearance — weight, physical fitness, sexual attractiveness and the like.

The professors became deeply concerned, according to Medium, when they discovered that the women who held themselves in higher esteem tended to have fathers who practiced “benevolent sexism.”

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