lol correct points ronimacarroni, I also find it sad that humanities most intelligent people have been reduced to being hand picked for undertaking studies that state the obvious, my personal annoyances with these groups are a bit different from the stereotypical American view because I'm just pointing out their personalities:
. The feminist groups now really are just more sophisticated and manipulative sexists, they don't campaign for equal rights anymore, they just say they do and expect men to go along with everything
Almost every woman I know who is somewhat bright and most who are not are what I would consider feminists. I think that there are some legitimate concerns that women have when things are looked at statistically. Further, I don't think we can or should ignore some rather obvious biological difference associated with reproduction so it is not a simple problem of just 'treating people equally'. As far as I'm concerned, women still have some legitimate gripes.
And, parenthetically, so do racial groups who are demonstrable treated differently under the law in some respect. Again, when looked at statistically. Of course the same thing holds for for people of different socio-economic strata and that problem is even more pronounced and getting rapidly worse.
It is true with the women's rights movement as it is with any other movement that there will be fundamentalists and/or general whackos who do more damage than good to a cause.
. Environmentalists could easily get people on their side by being against real problems like chemical/oil spills and nuclear power ( seriously no one who's sane and knowledgeable wants nuclear power, that shit should be encased in concrete, they could get elected just on that ) but they insist on trying to scare us with these frankly unrealistic the world is ending scenarios which just makes them sound like religious nutcases, oh and there's also a more realistic argument for environmentalism where if you put concrete over every bit of land you're going to screw yourselves because you won't be able to grow your own food properly
Same deal about fundamentalists. They are as prevalent and as damaging in environmentalist circles as they are in the feminist circles.
Of course people who are politically opposed to the general goals of any group, or some derivative or natural correlation of these goals, are going to demonize the entire group base on the behaviors of the fundamentalists. That's just politics. The unhappy fact of the matter that even rejecting the fundamentalist for damaging a cause is of only limited usefulness. This because it is much easier for an adversary to communicate an association than it for one own group to communicate efforts to dis-associate. Particularly if the target audience has an inherent disposition about a group in the first place (and are retards anyway.)
If we got intelligent people all working on space flight rather than these stupid studies we'd probably be a spacefaring species in just a few years as opposed to being underfunded and having spacecraft that looks like it's made of cardboard and foil.
About 'space flight' we disagree. It is absurdly wasteful to put the life support systems needed to sustain human life into space. Even if the human life is expendable it would still be the case. The cost/benefit simply isn't there from an engineering perspective at this point in our development of technology. IMO.