....the cultural "norms" forced on everyone about how boys should be tough, cold, withdrawn, and unemotional, and girls have to act fragile, hyper, nosy, and overly emotional.....
There is of course no way a "cultural norm" could do anything but influence peoples' behavior as the vast majority of people are abject sheeple followers. Throughout history unusual individuals, example very creative individuals, have lived without paying attention to such cultural norms. Arguments exist and I lean somewhat in their direction that strong cultural norms general strong oppositional norms; hence greater diversity, rather than less. Clearly this occurs in some types of societies but not others, but it's a good way to look at the matter.
Where this leads is that attempts to influence or change cultural norms from the top down, as is actually attempted by feminists groups and other "issue groups" is outright attempts at creating totalitarianism as far as that aspect of cultural mores is concerned.
Therefore, per the OP. There are many reasons to "Hate" or ridicule or disregard groups such as feminist groups. The worst type of "feminist" (not the BEST, but the WORST) is of course one who sincerely believes in the principles, heads over to the "Feminist group" stays in it even after she/he realizes it's been hijacked by political operatives for political ends.