
Topic: Study: Everyone hates environmentalists and feminists - page 6. (Read 80480 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Very true people do shy away from being associated with vegetarians, peacekeepers, anything out of the ordinary

Good one! Nothing that you said is true but it was a nice try...


sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
Invest & Earn:
Because feminists have no legitimate complaints (there are women CEO's, what else do you want)
And environmentalists have gone from being friendly towards the environment to being outright anti human.
Their logic goes that if people didn't exists the environment would benefit.
Which is true, but seriously, fuck em.

It depends, most people here in Europe are concerned about global warming, environment, and everyone makes small steps to help it (by reducing greenhouse gas emission, sort wastes, and so on.
Not every one hates with the environment support .Some support by planting trees ,controlling air polution.
With the help of new electric technology used in car,vehicles which protect environment from air pollution. Smiley
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I suppose, I'm doing reading on Marxism and it does have the very tendancies feminists follow, quite a shame though, you can't have equality by fighting for another hierarchy so no wonder communists and anarchists don't get along lol.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Study: everyone hates ignorant privileged white American males.

"Study"  Roll Eyes

Is Polly upset that there is a thread full of people that don't buy his parroted marxist bullshit?

I think it's more insulting to real communists and leftists to call this prick a Marxist, he doesn't give a shit about workers or fighting fascism, just another typical idiot spreading misandry and racism.

Neither do most marxists, but they sure do talk about it a lot. Do some research on early marxist feminism. The two have always been very closely tied. Furthermore all of these reactionary groups like feminism and environmentalism are all being unified under the framework of marxism, even if most people in the US are too ignorant of history to recognise it happening right in front of their faces.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Very true people do shy away from being associated with vegetarians, peacekeepers, anything out of the ordinary
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Study: everyone hates ignorant privileged white American males.

"Study"  Roll Eyes

Is Polly upset that there is a thread full of people that don't buy his parroted marxist bullshit?

I think it's more insulting to real communists and leftists to call this prick a Marxist, he doesn't give a shit about workers or fighting fascism, just another typical idiot spreading misandry and racism.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
Invest & Earn:
Because feminists have no legitimate complaints (there are women CEO's, what else do you want)
And environmentalists have gone from being friendly towards the environment to being outright anti human.
Their logic goes that if people didn't exists the environment would benefit.
Which is true, but seriously, fuck em.

It depends, most people here in Europe are concerned about global warming, environment, and everyone makes small steps to help it (by reducing greenhouse gas emission, sort wastes, and so on.
Not every one hates with the environment support .Some people support for the global warning,by planting trees.
With the help of new electric technology used in car,vehicles which protect environment from air pollution. Smiley
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Study: everyone hates ignorant privileged white American males.

"Study"  Roll Eyes

Is Polly upset that there is a thread full of people that don't buy his parroted marxist bullshit?
Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
I used to believe in feminism until i realised i just truly support equality. Feminists just seem to be a group of manipulative sexists now and it is really annoying how these feminists are pro men hate and less equality.

These types of fringe feminist groups are to normal women what racist skinheads are to normal white men I think.  Or what the Westboro Baptists are to normal Christians.

I, for one, respect anyone who will call these fringe groups out.  Obviously such groups can only set backwards any progress on some of the issues, and some of the issues are still problems which still need to be addressed.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
I used to believe in feminism until i realised i just truly support equality. Feminists just seem to be a group of manipulative sexists now and it is really annoying how these feminists are pro men hate and less equality.

Sad state indeed. Sad for the true feminists...

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
I used to believe in feminism until i realised i just truly support equality. Feminists just seem to be a group of manipulative sexists now and it is really annoying how these feminists are pro men hate and less equality.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Study: everyone hates ignorant privileged white American males.

"Study"  Roll Eyes
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Even feminists hate feminists, man. if you have a group of people choking their opinions inside your throat rather than explaining you what is right or wrong, you will hate them like they're Joffrey from Game of thrones.

The problem with feminists is that they overdo their bullshit yknow. I don't know what people say but I am definitely not against men, or against women particularly. I support equality. And that's how it should be, isn't it?

Then you shall love Christina Hoff Sommers.

How fainting couch feminism threatens freedom

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Even feminists hate feminists, man. if you have a group of people choking their opinions inside your throat rather than explaining you what is right or wrong, you will hate them like they're Joffrey from Game of thrones.

The problem with feminists is that they overdo their bullshit yknow. I don't know what people say but I am definitely not against men, or against women particularly. I support equality. And that's how it should be, isn't it?
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Even feminists hate feminists, man. if you have a group of people choking their opinions inside your throat rather than explaining you what is right or wrong, you will hate them like they're Joffrey from Game of thrones.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1217
More from femi-nazis:

Chess grandmaster Nigel Short: 'Shrill feminists' have made me a 'misogynist pantomime villain'

An odd win by Judish Polgar against Nigel Short doesn't mean that women are better than men in chess, or in any other sport. Why can't these idiots just accept the facts. Is it possible for women to compete against men in athletics, or other sports such as football or basketball? Why they want to compete against men all the time?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
i dont hates environmentalists and feminists instead, Why don’t people behave in more environmentally friendly ways?

So true.

Every woman I know around me is a true feminist. They never asked for a man to be the best of the best. Also real environmentalists do not destroy to prove a point like in post #713

hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
i dont hates environmentalists and feminists instead, Why don’t people behave in more environmentally friendly ways?
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