Feminists upset over statue of man and woman talking
Scene: You’re a woman, sitting on a bench reading a book. Your male friend sees you on the quad and comes over to say hello and talk. You put down your book, lean back against the bench and smile. He doesn’t sit next to you; instead, he puts his foot on the bench and leans over his knee.
So sexist, right?
That scene is depicted in a statue at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas, and despite no sign of distress or physical assertion, some women have decided it is a statue of “mansplaining” — a term used to describe men condescendingly explaining something to a woman.
Seriously. Here’s the actual statue and the claim of misogyny:
…. For its part, the university also denied any notion that the statue depicts condescension toward a woman.
“The statue has long-symbolized the friendship and camaraderie that develops among students as they attend UIW,” school spokesman Carl Myers told WITW. “We are deeply saddened that this image of friendship has been misconstrued as a symbol of sexism on social media. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
But who cares what reasonable people would think the statue depicts, this is patriarchy we're talking about!
"I feel like we've all been guilty of [mansplaining], males and females alike," said Hernandez, the woman who took the original photo of the statue. "But it's just less palatable when a guy's up to it 'cause, well, he's still on the right side of oppression."
Note to future sculptors: When trying to show men and women talking as friends, don't. There's just no way you can do so without offending modern feminist sensibilities.
hey check my middle stump out you be bouncing on that after :D6 oclock don,t be late
he is a bit sure of him self if you ask me
plus whats up you been fucked off by a women to ugly to get 1
make sure you keep your gun locked up don,t want you going around shooting women
and the SJW
TAKE A CHILL PILL YOU FUCKIN NUTTER :Dand av a nice day and take it easy