Avenger... Die 0 was addressed with the 0.98.1 beta firmware, and most machines were fixed with it. Other than you, I don't think there are more than a handfull more out there..MAYBE. So to call that the "Biggest issue" is Total Crap.
okay we have...
1. Avenger (Assuming he really has a machine)
sorry to interrupt, but Avenger send me pm this afternoon saying thanks for the quota-patch I wrote
he had further questions regarding the quota feature of cgminer and how to apply it, would not make sense I guess in case he would not have a device and the patch applied on his web-interface
thanks... I'm pretty sure he has one anyway, just tryin to get the chap to "let go the hate", and take advantage of his offer, this is getting silly.
Fickle much Phoenix1969?
If bumcoinobama says anything, you seem to swallow it whole. I'm sure I posted a picture of something similar here the other day?
I'm EXTREMELY HAPPY KNC made millions from our preorders, because I have a vested interest into seeing them succeed!
Let's see. If you had some miners hashing, which you do, you would actually have a vested interest in knc going bust, as it means your miner would earn more BTC if kfc didn't ship any more hashing power.
So what is your vested interest? You are a major cheerleader, I guess you are one of those guys who gets preferential treatment from knc. Yeah. I find it really hard to take you seriously when you so often refer to yourself in the third person.
AAAWwwww..Cmon' O'rama....
You know, that I know, that you know I know that you know, that Ewok spends countless hours tweaking for perfection... So when a firmware comes out talking about improvements.... Ewok will waste no time tryin'!!!
Ewik now has 3 Saturns up & hashing on eligius...
the 3 hr avg will take..well...3 hrs