I'm annoyed that I paid for next day delivery which won't be close and was a premium, that my rig has been "in progress" for 3 fucking days...apparently the batches all go to that status together which would mean given 300 produced Wed and 450 yesterday ..batches of about 800? Also, there were 1000 left to produce on Tuesday roughly, minus that 750 and whatever they produced today (400?) ...they should all be finished.
I don't believe a word they say.
Numbers are great. Problem is, people shouldn't play with them unless they can make them add up. e.g.
There's actually approx a 1,000 units left.
So, let's split the difference and say 3-5 days means 4 days (Wed-Sat).
15th Tuesday 350
+ 4 days
16th Wednesday 455
17th Thursday 350
18th Friday 350
19th Saturday 350
So total output for these days will be ~1855 units.
And I'll be very generous and assume that they were only producing 200/day up until Tuesday. And let's just assume they were in full production over the weekend:
10th Thursday 200
11th Friday 200
12th Saturday 200
13th Sunday 200
14th Monday 200
Total 1000
So we have 1855 + 1000 =
2855Just a bit over 1000 eh?
Here's a blast from the past
Hey KNC/Bitcoinorama. It's time for an update.
You are still shipping orders 1-750 (or at least the first 750 units regardless of order number). The original deadline for shipping ALLLLLL units was October 15th.
That means in the next 4 working days you have to produce and ship 3000+ orders (ballpark figure).
That's not going to happen. You said that yourselves, that you can only produce a few hundred per day.
It's about time we had a proper update, with adjusted and REALISTIC shipping schedule, based on the state of play at the production facility.
Your pride seems too wounded to tell us why it's taken 9 days and still only shipping day1 units, rather than the thousands that were promised by now.
This "we'll sort it ourselves, we won't say anything until it's done" attitude is costing everyone time, money and unnecessary stress.
Drop the wounded pride/ego and honestly update us.
There are a lot of brilliant people on this forum who could and will help if you allow them in.
Oh look, I guessed 3000. And Bitcoinorama bit my head off about it and said I was spreading fud.
Chinese whispers and ballpark assumptions of 3,000+ orders are nowhere close, so that just generates FUD. There's actually approx a 1,000 units left. There has been over local 100 pick-ups (well 100 units picked-up), over 400 physically shipped, and a chunk dedicated to hosting.
Nowhere close?!! Almost spot on! Anyone with basic maths can see that 2855 is closer to 3000 than 1000? Right??
So who is lying?
Also I those figures I stated the otherday were precisely what I had been told. I have not lied. Period.
So KNC were making Bitcoinorama their stooge? Despicable act KNC, to use orama to misinform customers. Despicable.