My shipment appears to be sitting in OH with the following status:
12 Clearance event CINCINNATI HUB, OH - USA 4:48 AM
Under "Further Details":
The Clearance process for this shipment is on-going with additional details required for clearance
and under "Next Step":
The clearance process will continue once the additional details are provided for clearance
Is this something out of the ordinary, or do all international shipments to the US go through this?
It appears that additional info is required by DHL from you to clear your shipment with customs.
Don't wait!! Call them ASAP and see what they need.
If you're lucky, you will receive it Monday.
If you have forms to fill out, then well... It's up to you.
This isn't a DHL/UPS/FedEx issue. It's US customs not clearing your shipment.