to give some indication on order #/payment date
Order #: 10XX - Payment Date: 6/5/13 - Ship Date: Oct 3rd - Received Date: Oct 8th
Order #: 10XX - Payment Date: 6/5/13 - Ship Date: Oct 3rd - Received Date: Oct 8th
Order #: 14XX - Payment Date: 6/10/13 - Ship Date: Oct 4th - Received Date: Oct 9th
I was in 1-500 group for a very low order # in that initial range prior to actual orders.
Edit: Also in regards to condition after about 8 different stops on their journey, total 'damage' 1 fan fallen off
I am second day June 4 with order number 8xx..still in progress ...anyone else in the same boat?
i am also day 2 #16xx in progress from monday
reply from KnC yesterday:
The production of your order is almost finalized.
We will get back to you with shipping information shortly.
This is getting ridiculous, the guy quoted had late orders and paid late and got his orders "received" not shipped but received before me ....i don't know how they are shipping but this seem to me a queue jump.....i ma unable to understand there logic or queue order....
This may sound crazy, but 5/6 means something very different to me and to a Swede than to an american. To me that's 5th June, but in america it's 6th may? So 6/7 would be 7th june one way and 6th july the other?
I can't see any way they can be following any kind of order that leaves day 1 and 2 paid orders behind otherwise. I wonder how many or what % they have produced so far? That would be handy to get an idea. Also, maybe type of rig might come into it? Producing them in batches of one type maybe?