Now that I have my B2 KNC Miner what PC power supplies will work best, and should I buy 3 lower wattage ones as supposed to 2 higher wattage PSUs?
You've been waiting this long for the unit, why on earth are you just trying to figure out how to power it now?
Because like you said I have been waiting a long time for it to ship, now that it's shipped and arrived I need to figure out how to power it up without it catching fire. lol
If you get ATX PC PSU's you might consider NOT getting modular ones.
The extra connectors is just another possible point of failure.
(this would prolly require more smaller ones, as big ones are often modular)
So you wouldn't recommend two of these? don't see any PC non-modular PSU's on the market in Canada. The only way I could get a non-modular is to buy something from IBM, Dell or HP but the cost would out weigh any and all hopes to recoup all of the cost or part of it.
Use what you can get your hands on quickly.
Just keep in mind that modular is not 'better' if you have the choice.
The EVGA looks like it will work.
If I had an unpowered 3.5T @ home I would use whatever I could have installed in 2 hours!
Each possible day delay you could spend $50 more and come out even considering that is close to what you could mine in a day.
It is a VERY subjective decision involving YOUR budget and shipping time etc.
I use two (IBM) DPS-2000BB 2kWatt PSU per Neptune. (220VAC)
They are only USD $50.00 each with free shipping.
Add breakoutboards, fan, and cables and it's about $130 per 2kW.
I started with homemade connectors on the PSUs. consider a 4kW rail too big for safe home use.
It _IS_ a valid concern if miner are near flamables.