200 chips = 5400 US$, it's 27 US$ per chip, or 108 US$ per four chips in one Jupiter. "We sell these chips in sets of 200, for a considerably lower sum than we paid for them ourselves". Don't know how they define "considerably less", but it may be something like they've paid 110-150 US$ for four chips per Jupiter. Remind me again what were those Jupiters priced?
Whatever they were priced, it cost KNC $1,000USD to make each one with 4 boards.
note the links above they are pretty clear they want to beat the Titan's to market by a month if possible
I'd prefer to have TWO firms fight it out under the queens berry rules like gentleman for the betterment of the customers.....but KNC has said
So many folks worry about mining. I hopped out of worrying about getting BTC mining equipment last year, based on my projections. So far they've payed out nicely, the equipment I had ROI'd and returned me some good coin. I've then since just bought it cheap, and Scrypt-mined myself a year's worth of bill money.
Seriously folks, just buy bitcoin. It's better than buying equipment and mining at this point. Actually, it has been since.. January.