Any batch 2 (10.000$ miner), in progress or shipped ?
There had better not be! They have to leave a month after batch one don't they?
Either that or send me $3,000 right about now.
Well since the bonus Neptunes ship after batch two you either want to wait an extra month to double your hash rate or picked a Titan. Personally I want all the batch two to ship immediately so I can double my hash rate. It's not like the second batch is going to have a large impact on difficulty. At least not relative to double the hash rate.
I'm amazed by the people who want to wait longer for the bonus just so another group of people can be screwed a little longer. The Neptune is late for everyone.
Even by their twisted interpretation of the wording KfC still delivered
all of batch one ($13k) late without offering free hashing as promised; some of them have been
very late. If KfC now tag batch two right on the end of batch one it effectively punishes batch one customers (to the tune of $3,000) for having a little faith in KnC and ordering Neptune as soon as they were open to the public.
It's just not right. I would be very happy for batch two and batch three to ship this week but KnC need to acknowledge that they were late and as such they need to lump all the batches together in one big batch for continuous shipping. Now that all the batches have become one big late batch they need to sort out compensation for the people who paid more. How can they justify the last guy in batch one not paying the same as the first guy in batch two?
I could understand if the last guy in batch one got $3,000 refund and everybody else got it pro-rata; so where "n=umber of days between delivery and start of batch two" it would be $3,000 - (0.1BTC * n) refunded to each batch one customer. That wouldn't provide any incentive for being in an earlier batch but at least the faithful wouldn't be worse off.
IMHO they will maybe have a week break....start up the process of getting out batch 2 then with the excuse of they are behind schedule...not offer compensation to batch one neptune types and claim that that week or so is enough lead time with shipping to the batch 2 customers to make up the $$$ up in the 1st batch folk are 'early' or some such
You have to realize KNC (even if they were more legit then they are now) has NO incentive to do anything for the customer..they have already announced the Titan is likely the last 'consumer product' to us the unwashed masses so to speak..and NO refunds on anything anymore and ONLY a 90 day warrenty and the fact that us pesky consumers are mucking up the difficulty for their plans on world class LARGE data halls etc
They have many reasons to go the selfish route and few if any imho to do anything to compensate anybody for anything miner wise...I mean they are mining...anything they
do to help us...hurts them (or so I think the logic is)