There is some kind of thick heat foam between the VRM's and the plate to transfer the heat to the plate but then where does the heat go? Is it dissipated by the metal plate or is it thermally bonded to the top of the heat pipe sink?
The VRM heat goes from VRM -> foam -> plate -> some radiates off the plate some may transfer down from the plate into ASIC heatsink but that would depend on temperature of each part.
The heat only goes to cooler places, if the base of heatsink is hotter than the plate(not VRM temp BTW) it will warm it(plate) too.
(second law of thermodynamics??)
If the 'heatsink base' is cooler than the plate, adding a dab of grease between plate and heatsink would help.
Else the ASIC will contribute to VRM temp issues.
Would need to attach thermocouple to a small probe and measure plate and base of heatsink to 'know'.
They are almost perfectly flat.
Turns out IMneverHO that flat is not ideal.
I bend the ends of the outer legs down for better contact of plate/foam/VRM.
Easy no parts needed improvement in VRM temps!
You can look at imprint in foam and determine where it needs more pressure.
It can be done without unsticking heatsink from ASIC if you bend the fan back and carefully pry plate up from VRM's.
The foam acts like doublesided tape.
It's more like clay or plumbers putty than foam.
I also squeezed the foam/clay a bit to make it taller before reinstall of plate.
EDIT there is also foam below PCB under same challenged VRM's.
Raising cubes up a bit will help bottom of case radiate some of the heat.
The whole foam thing is an OK idea but poorly implimented.
Thanks, fairly sure I know what to do when / if they arrive now. Shame KfC have to date refused to either refund or dispatch miners.