I wonder how much PH in total Sales KnC did.
Including all Jupiter grade and Neptune grade gear. Not delivered, sold.
"We will not mine with more than 5% of the hash rate we sell"
I came up with a good guesstimate of how many October & November units they shipped:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=170332.msg6002935;topicseen#msg6002935Roughly 12000 Jupiters (using 600GH as an average hashrate between Oct & Nov units) ~= 7Petahash
They sold 3600 Neptunes. But with refunds it's hard to believe there are more than half still holding their order. Throw in a handful of broken Frankenjups and let's say it's the equivalent of 2000 Neptunes
Roughly 2000 Neptunes ~= 6Petahash
They are reported hashing ~6-8 Petahash @ Boden.
So they are easily mining with 50% of the entire hashrate they SOLD. They are probably mining with 100% the hashrate they have previously SHIPPED.
Either way, they are 100% liars and guilty of fraud and mispresentation*, i.e. knc's business is criminal.
(*Misrepresentation is a concept in contract law referring to a false statement of fact made by one party to another party, which has the effect of inducing that party into the contract. For example, under certain circumstances, false statements or promises made by a seller of goods regarding the quality or nature of the product that the seller has may constitute misrepresentation. )
Ah but its nothing to do with shipped, its specifically "sold".
Do we really know what they sold, we don't know what was sold to big cloud farms or private farms etc, whats not disclosed, hell even the full number of publicly sold miners isn't really known.
So your rough, back of a napkin guestimate could be a way far of the mark, no-one really knows.
8 PH + 10.8PH of known sales is what, near 20PH or nearer 30PH if you take into account the 6TH Neptune is. So 20% of the "known" hash rate
And their mining hasnt really affected much in the way of the value or difficulty of bitcoin if you look at the data, difficulty is slowing down long term, and the price is going up again.
You got a slightly slower, miner than the vast majority of people sure, it soured your experience, its understandable you would be bitter, but you gotta get off the hobby horse man it'll chew you up inside. All this venom and bile over something that doesn't really affect you. I know, I know, you want to be the one to say "I took down KnC" "Without me you would all be worse off"
The only thing KnC has done wrong so far is screwed up the Frankenjupe packing and shipping, which was a disaster. (Mind you their packaging prowess has always been borderline rubbish) and they are just too late to the game with Neptune. At least they are paying out (albeit slowly) refunds. And people are then free to get whatever they want with their spondoolies (joke)
But to paint them as "OMG@!@!!! 100% liars and guilty of massive fraud, and scammers, mommy!" is just bull.