Nothing else
we all do..
Firsly, the upgrade modules are for Saturns and Mercuries.
Do you have a six-port controller, or the skills to install the ports to a controller board?
I could be wrong.... but somehow my spidey-senses tell me no.
....and by the time you disassemble everything(losing hashing time), drop it at the
local electronics store to pay someone to do it correctly...
You could lose several days of hashing time just waiting to pick up your controller board...(as the diff rises)
inn which case, you would be hard-pressed to ever make ROI on what it actually costed you to get them working on the Jupiter.
and if you try it yourself... you risk the entire controller board not working, one mess-up, and no RMA.... then what?
You could be down for a long time trying to purchase another controller board.
It's best suited for Saturn and Mercury owners, who would like to upgrade.
Unless you have excellent soldering skills, or outrageous luck, I'd re-evaluate the idea.
Somehow my spidey-senses tell me you have no idea what you're talking about.
that's just a smart-ass remark ... with no substance.
which part doesn't jive?
You are saying you would recommend to the owner of a 4 port Jupiter, who has no experience soldering, to attach 2 more ports?
Or that upgrade cards weren't meant for Saturn or Mercury owners?
or that it's a snap to get a new controller board if you fuck-up?
please... empty remarks are useless other than to annoy people.
You could at least say why you feel that way.