Does anyone here know someone who's overclocking their machine? I know none of you folks, myself included, would ever void the warranty on such a valuable machine, but OC'ing appears to offer great promise for October machines and machines with die-0 issues.
One friend on mine has a October Jupiter with two die 0 boards that was pushing 495Ghs, but it skyrocketed to over 560Ghs when she edited the file to look like this:
if [ $p -eq 2 ]
cmd=$(printf "0x86,0x%02X,0x02,0x11" $c)
if [ $c -eq 1 ]
cmd=$(printf "0x86,0x%02X,0x03,0xE2" $c)
Is my friend's experience unique? Both bad die-0 boards are still silent, yet her hashrate is as high as my 'good' jupiter with no bad dies. Her wattage-per-die is right at 40W, so this is pushing the limits of the specifications of the VRMs, but we added extra cooling fans inside her machine to keep the temps down low to compensate. No hiccups yet!
take your time and read all this thread, especially tolip_wen posts. you'll find the answer to your question.