could be interpreted a couple ways... but there it is...
aah, found more...
'Tuning' is for Tuning Suite. Did I mention this is just for October boxes?
A November board looks like this second board, and uses this firmware link:
'E' is for Ericsson. No need to update the November boxes yet, but someone earlier decided to flash Oct firmware on his Nov box, so this is what he needs to fix.(indeed may be just firmware.. I'd ask first...ewik)
DO NOT mix them up. It will be futile, and the miner will assimilate you, assimilation voids all warranty and you don't want to assimilated before the weekend do you??Love that ditty, albeit a bit scary... hehe
Live long and prosper...
You can't harm, but you won't et increased performance from a perfectly working board...(tuning suite)
May be just referring to firmware... like "Bogart" said.. but looked relevant...
but with that said...looks like a Nov board may run in an oct unit......but run like an october...slower.
and the highlighted news clip line mentions board revisions making them incompatible.. so I'm really not sure.
If someone could report back any experience with this... I'd appreciate it.....