As I can remember, the Jupiter's were meant to of started shipping end of September, but they were a couple weeks late, not 8 weeks late.
Couple of weeks? They didn't start arriving in many cases, until end of October, with next day shipping. Mid September was the first prediction, then Sep 27th, then the end of September.
Late is late. Granted, this was their first batch with unknowns, so forgiveness is easy. As I stated.
Also, don't you think now they have better understanding of the whole manufacturing process and their factory is fully setup with full workforce. Unlike before (first time round) they were setting up and adding staff as they went along.
they have to have more experience this time round, no?
You would imagine, but they still had delays despite that, likely because they kept changing the design. And this 2nd batch has had more apparent DOA's and failures than the first, which indicates they rushed it out the door. This doesn't get forgiveness like the first batch.
Hence, my safe worst case scenario of August. Worst case.