Would go against the KnC network protection policy I think, yes if the competition was launching significant compute power into the channel then i think we would see more Jupiters for sale, however:
And this bs network "promise" came out when they were looking for money, when they were claiming you could still get a refund right up to shipment. Which as we know now was total bs.
It was a clever way of making the few months they spent developing the next miner look like they were "protecting the network". Which is obviously bs, as they did the November batch of Jups and the fire-sale of rma boards after that. That promise is already broken, if it meant anything in the first place.
We see the difference in knc's attitude, customer service etc now that they have people's money and they call the shots. People who deal with knc will have to accept whatever they do and like it. I didn't see anyone ask or even demand kfc give a better estimate of when they ship than Q1/Q2. People just bought into an open 7+ months window
I'd like to see just one example of solid calculations anyone did before they pre-ordered a nep(un)tuned, based on delivery in June 2014, which showed it was viable. And took into account all the manufacturers who are about to ship. Most people have made optimistic projections based on March/April delivery, which shows a totally lack of understanding how long the 20nm process takes. And if any of the projections people have posted about what other manufacturers are about to ship are correct, even late April delivery seems a long-shot at making any profit.
But back to the "promise". Why would they refine the Nov Jupiter for an entire month, then shelve it? A viable product they can cash in on, before the other five or six manufactuers start shipping in Jan/Feb?
My guess is they will wait for the current nep(un)tuned batch to sell out, but they really want to take people's money b4 Xmas for another round of Jupiter. So I'd guess they'll have a another pre-order session in the next week or two, latest in January.
Yeah, pre-order, even though they could easily manufacture and sell from stock at this point. But why take any risk at all when they can have their customers take all the financial risk and all the losses if they mess up and/or deliver late. KNC - ship late, ship faulty. That's the way they do business and they have proven it doesn't matter if they do this, people just suck in the losses from any mistakes kfc makes.
Jupiter's are making 0.3BTC/day right now and that'll be blitzed if knc did ship another big batch of Jups in January and when other manufacturers ship in January. So they don't care about the network hashrate or those who bought before. It's a race to take as much money as possible. We'll see another round of Jups and you cats will still buy them en masse, willfully blinding yourselves from how little they will earn and how poised every other asic company are to shipping and doing their own obliteration of the network hashrate.
There is no miners around that you can order now and can be delivered before end January that will give a decent return. The manufacturers use the fact that no-one can accurately project what the network hashrate will be in a few months to blind people into buying stuff that would be good to have now, but will be useless by the time it arrives. People optimisitically assume the hashrate will only go up x, based on nothing but wishful thinking or nothing at all.
There is no way the pre-order model will ever be broken, as it essentially taps into miners gambling blind-side and risk free business for the manufacturer's.
To hell with the network protection promises of the past - who wants another batch of Jupiter's that'll earn you pennies in 2014?!