Had a good discussion with Shapetwist about how we can progress swing. I'll make some comments on it later.
Alright so in regards to this.
I think there are plenty of tasks that could help grow and further Swing. There will always be these, and there is no way I can keep up with all of them forever myself. While I'm of course willing to help, we need to evolve swing into a self progressing community that isn't reliant on me.
So I've traded in a few coins that have tried to accomplish this, and I think the simplest way is always creating some kind of a Board/Taskforce/whatever you want to call it group. In short, a group of people that want to help having discussions on what should/can be done and how to make it happen. Usually this is done in a private group working directly with the lead dev, but I think making it private is a mistake and leads to conflict. As a result, I think we should just stick with our IRC channel / slack room as our headquarters for progress.
The immediate first issue we run into is numbers. For this to work we need enough people willing to coordinate and help out a little in their free time. Amazingly in cryptos lots of people are usually pretty ampted to find a way to help, but Swing is still small relatively speaking. It's my thinking that our primary focus right now should be promotion. The more people interested in and holding Swing, the larger our community gets, and the stronger our progress potential becomes. Basic word of mouth usually works wonders, but a big calculated pomo campaign can do amazing things.
I'm interested in seeing what everyone thinks the best ways to proceed is, if you want to join the group it's #SwingCoin in IRC, and it's directly linked into my slack group (found in my footer) in the #Swing channel. You can use either to join the discussion.