Would it be possible to run a masternode from my home Windows PC?
I have already set it up but receiving some error while trying to run the wallet:
2017-09-08 19:30:12 addr niro.sytes.net:9998
2017-09-08 19:30:12 CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Checking inbound connection to ''
2017-09-08 19:30:12 Locking Masternodes:
2017-09-08 19:30:12 57e641e2dad6ff43d314a08cf311ccae42fc685ae7f28c4964d6747f2fcccdf5 57e641e2dad6ff43d314a08cf311ccae42fc685ae7f28c4964d6747f2fcccdf5
2017-09-08 19:30:12
EXCEPTION: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINS_16bad_lexica l_castEEEEE
bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target
f:\Synx\Syndicate.exe in Runaway exception
2017-09-08 19:30:26 EnvShutdown exception: Invalid argument (22)