Recently a ban was imposed on some of the items, such as TV screens. This served two purposes - first, the market share of Chinese screens went down. And secondly, the Indian-made TV screens now got a monopoly in the market. But it is not practical to completely ban the Chinese brands. For example, Vivo was paying ₹2,200 crore for the five-year old deal with the BCCI. The second highest bid was also from a Chinese brand (Oppo) and that was worth ₹1,430 crore. Bids from all the other brands were lower than this amount. BCCI is going to lose a lot of money as a result of the Vivo pullout.
The Ban on Chinese products will be done in a phased manner. India cannot ban all items in one go, they have already banned a lot of Chinese apps, big infrastructure contracts have been cancelled and now the government is planning to ban Chinese telecommunication products.
By year-end most Chinese products will either get banned or these Chinese companies will have to sell their Indian business to indian companies.