
Topic: Targeted Gangstalking Information Thread (Read 2805 times)

full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
August 26, 2021, 03:29:19 PM
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"• If they think you have committed a sin they use the BioAPI against your body. For example if you've committed the sin of gluttony they will turn off your taste buds. If you committed the sin of lust, they will turn off the endorphins released from your spine during an orgasm negating the effects of sex. If you were too vain they might trigger morgellons. These are just a few examples of what they can and are doing to people when you are judged guilty. No consideration whatsoever will be given for the circumstances leading up to your guilt; and the law in their eyes will be applied as technically as possible as that is obviously the easiest and fastest way to find someone guilty."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
August 12, 2021, 04:30:12 PM
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"Your handler(s), or mostly a super computer automating everything, is always attempting to create a conflict that involves you. This is then used as an excuse to act against you, for example you might then be arrested or something. They need your dishonor. The crazy stuff (gangstalking, strange happenings, hearing sounds/voices, etc.) being forced on you are just to gyrate and destabilize you mentally so you are more likely to identify with and act out against something specific and unique to your situation. You also must read FAQ question #8 for the final answer on what they attempting to do with this program. Contracted (2013) also covers this well."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
August 03, 2021, 03:31:22 PM
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"Misdirection and disinformation cover the internet. There is a large network of paid shills specifically told to agree with you the targeted individual no matter what in an effort to amplify whatever it is you believe is happening. They need you to believe in x. Where x can be anything... it only works if you believe it. You need to buy one of the nano-cards they are trying to play. In fact a lot of the shills or targeted individuals on the internet/forums are just engineered characters or avatars controlled by the AI supercomputer. Even if you talk to a shill [presumed friend] over the phone in voice doesn't mean they are a real human being. You are expected to think your problem/reality of x must be real, all these would be real people confirm it right? Wrong, they are fake, and a false environment is being engineered around you. "
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"If anything extreme happens to you (eg. if your raped, physically assaulted, etc.) it is 100% fake. For example women targeted individual's often complain they are raped (see the news report clip below) yet never seen the guy and say they were drugged. This works because the handler actually controls the targeted individual to (slightly) assault herself (without her knowing by suspending her memory - see The Collapsed (2011)) to make it look like she was raped. She will experience vaginal pain to convince her of the rape via the BioAPI's ability to light up pain receptors/neurons in her body, this does not damage the body at all. They think this level of harassment is acceptable because it's fake. They honestly believe they are creating an illusion when they assault you, physically assault is now considered a trick. Keep in mind there is a greater psychological purpose and reason behind the fake rape/assault."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"Everything is concocted by a few people at some command/data center pulling all the strings. These people are what I call handlers for lack of a better description. This is easily done because a targeted person has a nano-camera in their eye and a geolocation implant (and a every other implant under the sun). In fact everyone on the planet has a geolocation implant, including phase 1 people (this means you; as referenced in The Matrix (1999)). Most of the automated harassment is actually a computer as told to you by Android Insurrection (2013). Your on auto-pilot where no human handler actually watches or cares. The Program is actually more like a maze or script, picture a flowchart in which targeted individuals fall into the program based on what they know, do and believe. How you "perceive it" heavily determines your fate."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"No one knows anything at all. No matter who you talk to, how many nonsense acts and signs you get, not a single person whether a stranger, friend or family member knows anything at all about any of your business or otherwise the bad act/dishonor you have done to get you targeted. All acts, signs and suggestions displayed by someone (via a handler, or automated by a computer you and everyone is hooked-up too) are to get you to think or infer something and then act out based on that false presumption to hurt yourself. In fact a handler does not even know what they want from you, they need you to do something (such as think you're crazy, or find out it's mind control, etc.), then they amplify that. They show you x, they hope your sheep mind externalizes, infers and extrapolates out x2 or x3."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"It's not the individual events, statistical anomalies, acts, signs or nano-tricks you see that matter, it's the false reality or illusion they are attempting to construct that you should concern yourself with. The illusion or "engineered environment" will be partially unique to you and your life; which is why, other then gangstalking, there are very few common threads among targeted individuals. The soy sauce in the movie John Dies at the End (2012) is symbolic of the contraction of phase 2 and the extremely warped reality that can result from it; this is what the movie is really about, hence the mind reading angle . A unique false reality, in this case the crazy card, is shown in real life in this TED talk. Even knowing this entire web site and thereby the truth about everything is only one belief. Albeit the correct one, but nonetheless still just one belief of many realities you many choose to identify with and which will be reflected back onto you."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"The general public can be controlled on demand. So if you randomly walk up to someone, they might be immediately mind controlled to say something or act in some way making you think they, and absolutely everyone, is "in on it", yet they know nothing. This is demonstrated in the trailer for A Scanner Darkly (2006) at exactly the 0:38 second mark, or in Metropia (2009) or better yet Ultrasonic (2012). This is what most targeted individual's confuse with gangstalkers. Control Factor (2003) shows this very well too. There are multiple psychological reasons they are reaching for here, but the main one is externalization."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"If you are a targeted individual and being gangstalked here are some hard facts to remember. Different people with phase 2 will receive different levels of harassment (and help for that matter) or nano-tricks. Not everything listed below may currently apply to you if you are targeted. In fact I expect only 20% of this web site to apply to any single person with phase 2, but a different 20% when compared to each other. Some people will receive completely unique false realities. Where you fall into the program is decided based on your actions and what you believe/think about it; this is how the movie Chosen (2013) to some degree is real in which targeted individuals (inferred) are selected to kill each other, no clip provided, because these selected individuals believe and use their false reality as justification to hurt or kill another. Also see 13 Sins (2014) for another interesting and completely realistic example. In other words, how much of their bullshit do you buy? If you buy enough of it to hurt someone, then they do the same to you by putting you in the same situation. The Box (2009) in general is about this because they took the money, so it was reflected back onto them and they we're hurt as well. Another example is Oldboy (2013), listen to Samuel L. Jackson overtones to piece it together. Oldboy, at least in principle, is a "lightly inferred" BioAPI movie because of the very last scene/image . So it's self reflective to a major degree and they count on your inability to see the forest for [from] the trees which leaves you in the dark most of the time. In its classical form The Program is more severe at the beginning in order to make a major impact or impression on your life, then it very slowly subsides over years. They/it counts on your "sheep mind" to psychologically extrapolate out the severity or iteration of the events as if it's still happening in full force when it's not."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"This repeated attempt to get targeted individuals (or Wilson in the movie) into dishonor via conflict is the standard operating procedure of the program. Although it does not have to happen this way; the program is dynamic and complex. If you think you are going crazy they will run with and amplify that instead (for example Black Limousine (2010)). For normal people this is just the expected game plan. And don't think you are immune and always honorable by knowning, like myself, that whatever you do must require a bona fide complaining party as per the law... they don't care. Everyone has a bad day, everyone. And that's all they need."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"So Meeting Evil repeatedly bounces back between a normal movie/plot and forth with BioAPI concepts with details that are being used against targeted individuals. This is very well done if you know what they are showing you. The people behind phase 2 of the BioAPI are therefore represented by Jackson in this film. Ironically Jackson mentions he hates cowards in the aforementioned line at 2:30 (clip 1). People who hide behind nano-technology would be considered cowards, not evil, in my opinion. You should watch the movie to get a better grasp of what is being described here."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"The connection is evidenced by Jackson (aka evil) ringing the door bell right then at 1:42. Connect these otherwise insignificant events and we have Wilson finally deciding to kill his wife -> aka pre-crime -> Wilson then becomes a targeted individual and thereby entered into The Program; hence the door bell by Evil [Jackson] at that exact time. So Wilson more accurately could be construed as having phase 2 only and the thought to finally kill his wife was the trigger to make him outright targeted. The targeted individuals flow chart can be found below which might help clear this up for you. Concluding that Wilson really was contemplating killing his wife is referenced at the end of the movie (@ 2:16 thru the end of the clip). Jackson is asking Wilson, 'why did I knock on your door?' And telling him (actually you) to
evil2 Meeting Evil (2012) - Clip 2
'put it together John!'. What the director and Jackson are doing here is blurring the line between who was going to kill who; with Jackson ultimately accusing the wife. Your suppose to make the inverse connection, especially when Jackson is repeatedly asking Wilson why he knocked on his door. This concept is held in the exact same capacity as (the clip for) A Serious Man (2009) where he's caught making the wrong decision and immediately gets the call from his doctor. Remember these movies still have a normal plot to maintain, they are not going to just roll out the red carpet for you; you have to '...put it together'."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"[Update 2012-11-17] I've added a second clip for Meeting Evil to demonstrate just how high level the application of the BioAPI can be. In this second clip they clearly show a Minority Report (2002) style pre-crime in action which results in Wilson becoming a targeted individual. Let's break it down. Wilson and his family are having money and marriage problems which results in stress wherein Wilson is shown to contemplate killing his wife (and possibly his family?) from 1:09 thru 1:48 in the clip. Now at this point in the clip and movie the murder angle is not apparent and is only loosely connected at the end of the movie. Notice how conflicted they show Wilson as he intensely concentrates in front of a giant whole in the ground with a shovel and ominous music/sounds. What's he thinking? Why are they showing this? I mean it's shown to you for like 40 seconds! This is why; your suppose to see the connection between the thoughts (which are being read or listened too in real time, aka Metropia (2009)) that are going through Wilson's head which directly results in Jackson entering onto the scene and into Wilson's life."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"In the interrogation scene from 3:40 to the end of the clip touches on the idea that Jackson is a figment and isn't real at 4:00 in the clip and thereby subtly suggests Jackson as a hidden hand [and therefore representing a handler manipulating people using the BioAPI now that you know the overall scope]. In the movie Jackson kills everyone in a gas station, but the witness(es) point to Wilson yet he did nothing. This is symbolic of the false reality they can create, getting people to kill each other (see The Collapsed (2011)) then have a witness point to you. They can do this in real life. The witness really will think you did it via manipulation of memory; memories can be given and removed from people on demand, this is shown very well in the movie Ruby Sparks (2012) and is very difficult to believe or comprehend and does apply to people with phase 1 which includes you."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"The movie starts off with Jackon requesting Wilsons help with moving his car shown from the start of the clip through 0:46. Notice the request for assistance is more of a test as Jackson is clearly looking for a reason to harm Wilson but backs off at the last minute when his daughter is seen. After befriending Wilson, Jackson and Wilson end up at a strip mall. Wilson needs to call someone but has no phone so asks for help from a cell phone shop at 0:48 thru 1:50. Notice how much of a bitch she is, and Wilson being the nice guy he portrays eventually leaves without getting any help. Then what happens? Not shown in the clip, Jackson, representing evil itself (hence the title 'Meeting Evil') tries it after Wilson tells him about his troubles there. She gets it, you'll see her bat in 1:50 thru 2:22 being held by Jackon. He killed her. They tell you clearly what Jackon (representing evil) is clearly looking for in 2:30 thru 2:47 by saying 'I hate bad manners, I hate people that don't give common courtesy, hippocrates and cowards.'; essentially anyone in dishonor even slightly. Again, Jackon's job is also to kill useless eaters as he tells you right to your face at 3:37 and show in the movie (not the clip) repeatedly. This is the same reference they show you in Toxic Skies (2008) when the only person that dies is the useless eater that watches TV. This is also clearly told to you in After.Life (2009) (no clip provided) towards the end when Liam Neeson is digging a grave and is talking to the little boy about how these people are already dead and he needs to bury them. They are telling you that they are killing people. It's just being done transparently with nano-technology. After all, heart attacks and cancer happen right? So in this specific scope they are using nano-technology and the BioAPI you have in you to trick you into dishonor which thereby gives them the justification (more of an excuse actually) to act against you.
Meeting Evil (2012) - Clip 1"
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"In this movie Samuel L. Jackson plays a character that does nothing but hate people. Pure evil if you will. His sole purpose in the movie is to create conflict, look for any hint of dishonor and whenever possible, kill people because of it and to a lesser extent likes to kill useless eaters. Now the movie has nothing directly to do with the BioAPI, and the character played by Luke Wilson can't directly be considered a targeted individual in the movie, but for all intents and purposes we can construe that to a some degree to help with clarity, at least for the first 3/4 of the film. Again, this film is very representative, but still may be considered another piece of the overall puzzle of what they are doing to people such as yourself in real life."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"What They Are Doing to Targeted Individuals
This movie is a high level symbolic reference to the
implications of contracting phase 2, and demonstrates the actions and methods the people behind phase 2 use to create conflict resulting in the necessary dishonor required from a targeted individual needed to move against them."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"In the end it's just the BioAPI (using nano-implants) and one guy or a small team mind controlling everyone to create illusions, hoaxes and general nano-nonsense to get targeted individuals to harm themselves by amplifying what they do by destabilizing and gyrating the targeted individual's life through psychological and unfortunately sometimes to a greater extent physical assault. saw what it wants you to see! The Collapsed (2011)

Another high level psy-op of how they condition the public to think people who experience stuff like this must be crazy is the movie Sexy Evil Genius (2013). While you watch it remember Nikki is the crazy one. Everyone sits around the table and judges Nikki as being crazy. What attributes are connected to Nikki? Stalking, paranoia, blackouts, doing things but not remembering them (aka suspension of memory). Therefore if you experience any of this you must be crazy. Of course in reality no one is crazy, it's just a lack of understanding."
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"No matter how many people appear to be harassing or gangstalking a targeted individual, it's only just one guy (or a very small group "doing their job") in a data center controlling everyone and everything about and around a targeted individual. Most of it is actually automated and people (handlers) are not even involved much at all. Reality is always the opposite. For example the actor Michael Hall in the Gamer (2009) clip tells you he's essentially a handler for lack of a better description. They want you to think or infer something that is not true."3
full member
Activity: 201
Merit: 103
Gangstalking and targeted individual information

It looks like their take on this is that it is all being done with nano-bots.  I am not sure how accurate their info, but I will post it:

"The overall purpose of leveraging this technology directly against an unsuspecting, normal person such as yourself is to get you to act out in some way. They want you to externalize the events they are creating in and around your life. For example, the handler (or more accurately a supercomputer automating everything) is constantly controlling people around you such as family members to get them to suggest you have mental problems - the your crazy theme comes up a a lot as it works well against people who do not understand how everything is works. The people who have designed this are attempting to create a false reality around the targeted individual, the reality constructed is dependent on that targeted individuals situation. For example they attempt to find something that the targeted person does not like (eg. dogs?) and then everywhere a targeted individual goes there will be dogs there. The side effect is a targeted individual begins to draw unwarranted conclusions from the actions that are happening around them. If pushed to the limit the targeted individual may begin to go crazy which they will then amplify as shown in Black Limousine (2010). Another example is physical assault, they could hurt your body at the exact same time you hear a random car horn from the public; over time you psychologically connect the two events. They then hope you will subsequently act out against the public to harm someone you now perceive as bad or out to get you. This is then the dishonor (see Meeting Evil (2012) below) they need to move against you some more."
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