For now, if that was directed at me I'll point out I'm not in this box I'm way outside so fare out people think I'm a Vegan Marxist.
The negative ramifications of technological unemployment are non issues for me to be honest the image that comes to mind is the "milk" factory in Cloud Atlas. And I'm sure the humans that still have emotions will self correct. this reminded me of this thread.
I don't see technological unemployment as necessarily having negative ramifications that outweigh the long term positive ramifications. It depends on how we deal with it. So we don't need humans to do pointless grunt work anymore? We have machines which build and work for machines?
Now we can be far more efficient in our designs. We don't have to produce as much waste, or destroy the earth because we will have more people taking part in the research and design phase. Intelligent machines can assist with research and design to optimize for survival scenarios which for instance have the lowest carbon footprint.
Technology does not have to be like what you see in Cloud Atlas. Technology liberates people as well. If you watched that movie then you'll realize that it reached that point due to human ignorance.
The same technology which would allow us to build intelligent machines would allow us to remove the veil of ignorance. Our design decisions could be longer term, more efficient, ecologically sustainable, and benefit the community designing it by awarding the shares to the designers.
Human beings are the grand designers, and while intelligent machines will eventually surpass our capability to design, those intelligent machines will still require human feedback to optimize in a way which supports our habitat and along with it our long term survival.
I don't fear technology. I'm no neo-luddite. It's the human being that creates destructive designs, not the tools.
You could use 3d printers to reduce poverty, increase self sufficiency, promote ecological sustainability, or you could use it to make guns and other weapons. The human being decides and most human beings aren't very good at thinking about long term consequences.