See, that is exactly what I'm talking about. People like Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs, and others like them didn't have jobs, or capital to live off of, yet they live pretty damn well. Capitalism is not finding an employer and hoping he will give you a job
I just love this kind of arguments ... ( love to laugh at it )
This is a one in a million exception not a rule.
And yet those twisted free-market minds somehow treat it like a revelation.
Ok, do you know Joanne H., Bill B., Oleg T., Sewchand B., or Jeff R.? They are people I know who don't have jobs, they own businesses or do their own work as consultants. But they are not famous, or even well known, so they don't make good examples. But there are millions of examples like this. The only thing laughable is that you are still so dependent on a job that you think you will die without someone giving you one.
In this topic I tried to draw a macro-model, i.e. what will happen for the society a whole. Of course exceptions exist for some sectors, but these small niches not affected by automation where you can work for yourself not being a superstar (e.g. hairdresser, plumber, mechanic, repairman etc) will evaporate very quickly as crowd of unemployed will try to take these jobs! Also don't forget that AI capabilities are not static, so after 20 years there may be even robo-mechanic and robo-hairdresser.
Well, let's look at the macro model of agriculture. Do you need to work from 6am to 7pm, doing difficult manual labor, in order to feed yourself? No. Automation replaced farming, so now you can do much simpler and easier work, and still get enough food.
How about the macro model of manufacturing? Do you need to work for weeks just to put together a car, or some other gadget, or pay close to $100,000 just to buy a car? No. Automation replaced most of the manual labor required to manufacture goods, and now you can do much simpler and easier work and still get things like cars and gadgets.
Do you see where the trend here is? Less work, and simpler work, to get the same type of stuff that required a lot of back breaking labor just a few decades ago. In the future, you may be able to afford food, a car, and whatever else you need, just for the labor of wiping down some robots with rags, and replacing a few screws.
Or, if you don't want to do that, you can always go do the hard labor of growing food yourself from scratch on some plot of land to survive.