wimbledon will pay prizes to all players that were foreseen in the draw, although cancelled, they agreed this with insurance company, fair move by the greatest tennis tournament
Wow, great move of Wimbledon, other organisations can take an example to them!
For the top players, the cancellation isn't really a big issue, but for the low ranked players, it will make a huge difference.
Regarding the Djokovic case, I am not a fan of him and will never become one, but although he is mentally strong, this whole Corona affair will play in his head. We will need to wait and see how he will react on the tennis court.
LOL, its seems that the whole Djokovic drama is not yet over. I'm a fan of him and we really appreciate what he had done so far, although again there are fans who doesn't like his attitude because its short of being arrogant. But he needs to accept that, whether he like it or not. The best thing to do of him is to go and get that US Open title if he can.
He is mentally strong no doubt about that, maybe he can have some lapses resulting in a loss. But with so many trophies already I think he is not that mentally weak in spite of current drama he is in.