Arthur on protocol governance (
submitted 1 day ago by luzamarino 11 commentssharesavehidereport
Now in the video you have very smart young chaps
BUT have no clue on why governance is needed OR why hard forks are bad..
The governance is mostly so no hard forks can be done..
Very important NO HARD FORKS..
See in video they don't think a hard fork is that much of a problem ..It is a PROBLEM a bad one..
If everyone uses a token then a hard fork it upsets the people just starting out plus should i stay with this technology or swap it or should i change then one day swap it back..
Now for those who hold many of that token the get issued with more forked tokens BUT the new starters
don't ..
Now what happens if i start out in a business and i use eth i learn all the technology about eth then
everyone decides Now instead of using eth we will use the eth classic instead .
Now all the ones with big eth wallets get more eth classic in the forks in the wallets for free the new starters get nothing ..
Now what happens if one whale decides to sell all his big bag of eth classic because he thinks i have
millions of eth and the hard fork give me loads of free eth classic so i will bail all my eth classic out
and make millions of dollars for free while i still keep my eth original and made millions for free..
Now what happens to my business if i just started out does all my hard work get split in half or crash?.
Also in business it's not good for things to be half price one day and double the next day ..
With forks you create many uncertainties in business world BUT great for TRADERS ..
The up and down in crypto is a traders dream
Not for a company who buys and sells things insurance and the likes to sell something a fork is bad..
traders gain only on uncertainty ..
Now with the tezos governance everyone get to decide what technology to add or not to add so tezos
can always stay as TEZOS then no one can change anything like a whale bailing out for one hard fork or another ..
Like having a bank full of dollars then next day dollars are no good everyone switched to dongle dollars
So now you change to dongle dollars then next day they switch to pringle dollars so you switch again..
Now with all the switches it's very very bad for businesses to learn the tech in time then have all your employers switch again BUT the WHALES don't care they get FREE hard fork tokens then sell them
BUT have they sold the wrong tech and the hard fork is better?..
All uncertainty bad for business good for traders..
Now trading is about fucking each other over
Business is about creating jobs new technology to make peoples lives better to give you a sense of doing something instead of no work around and being bored..
If no businesses with jobs no monies to trade..
SO is Tezos a traders token or both ? a traders token and a business token all rolled into 1 ..
Then governance is so much needed ..
It stops the whales taking control and they be the whales in the hard forks as well
REMEMBER if your a whale in ETH BTC and it hard forkd ylou become the whale in the hard fork token
what ever you own in the original token you get for free in the hard fork..
So the WHALES hold your bollocks
NOW CRYPTO was all about not letting the elite hold us all to ransom ?
So at least with TEZOS the whales don't hold no say so and plus they don't get even more from an
hard fork..
Everyone who holds tezos in a tezos wallet has a right ..
I be back to explain many ways we can do this so no one gets scammed out of monies..
I want it to be the safest token ever..
I want many things to make this way way better than anything out there
GOVERNANCE is what is needed it sorts so many problems out and 1 is no hard fork..
See those young smart chaps have not lived long enough to know about many things YET..
Good coders but life knowledge you need to have lived a bit..