Hey barabbas..
http://coinblab.com/forums/topic/362/barabbas-aka-josede-vega2009-aka-jose-de-vegabtw. do NOT download and install latest web-installer wallet. It's full of ad-wares.
FAIL presented as awesome thing!
So far we have..
- closed souce wallet (with ad-warez!)
- not existing promised mac and linux wallet
- closed source miner (but that's kinda ok if we want that PoM idea)
- closed/moderated forum
- closed group on closed/moderated forum
- closed explenations with no facts
- closed...
too much closed.. I want to help you IE but you are to much closed!
Oh well, to be expected from IE... those personality peculiarities that have brought him so much success in crypto.
It is true that Johnny Bravo (under his orders, of course) invited me to a debate on his YouTube audio stream with him and IE to "clear the air on some misconceptions about Bytecent".... well, here's the invitation in it's totality:
« Sent to: barabbas on: Today at 04:28:45 AM »
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Hello Barabbas,
I am also known as Johnny Bravoo of The Bytecent Weekly Update. I was wondering if you would be interested in coming on our show with Iconic Expert? Now before you get the idea this is a "Grudge Match" type of podcast this is more to clear the air on some misconceptions about Bytecent. It will be a civil conversation where both of you guys can ask each other questions and clear the air without a bunch of people fudding on forums. I can personally say some of the misconceptions is about his personality in general. He is someone that genuinely is doing great things to make Bytecent the best crypto around and helping crypto in general by changing the public view. He has many critics for all the wrong reasons and we cannot make most of those critics happy. We would like the opportunity to clear up some misconceptions you may have. Unlike the ones with hate in their hearts for whatever reason, I do recognize you are a reasonable person that can have a one on one conversation to have a better understanding of what is going on. As the shows producer I am asking you to come on and I know for a fact IE has no ill will towards you.
IE is the lead developer of Bytecent but it is not IE alone. We have a great team in place with great ideas. We also have successful business people as well as some of the best crypto minds around. In the next few months we will be doing things outside of the normal crypto bubble.
We all agree crypto is headed in the wrong direction in many ways. The scams have changed and become more elaborate. Many good coins are suffering because of the "coin of the month" mentality that really needs to stop. We are interested in showing you that Bytecent is far from a disaster and some of the things we have in the works to improve crypto.
Please PM me back and let me know if you are interested so we can do a schedule to come on.
Thank you,
And here is my response to it, verbatim:
Re: Hello
« Sent to: KryptoKings on: Today at 09:07:19 AM »
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Hi KryptoKings,
Thank you for your offer, I appreciate it. And yes, as you say and IE knows very well, there's no hate at all in me, never was. But I am going to decline your offer because I don't believe there's anything positive that would come out of it and, certainly, there's no misconceptions about IE's personality on my part. I am not going to pretend I know him thoroughly but that is not going to change through a radio conversation, therefore it would be pointless. I do know his shortcomings when it comes to his "job" as a dev, all of them due to his personality flaws. But I don't want to dwell on it and, like I said, it would be totally pointless since he is not going to work out those flaws and I am not going to change my opinion. I know that for a radio aficionado this will sound a bit weird but I don't believe spoken words can change anything of this nature; only actions would. Actions IE is unwilling to take -due to those personality flaws- and that have put him in the absurd position of seeing his project dissolve itself into a minimal side show. Bytecent is not going anywhere but down, as I have posted. It was a disaster on launch, IE continued looking to the other side through the absolute mess of the rigged (not necessarily by him, mind you) mining for weeks on end, and continues beyond messy with arbitrary banning of areas, regions, countries, that serve no purpose because the coin's float continues getting fatter and fatter way, way beyond what he promised. It has no solution. And no amount of "doing" will salvage the project at this level, for the simple reason that no one cares about it. No one in crypto and no one outside of crypto. The absence from these forums and the banning of criticism in CoinBlab is just the shot to the head that any coin looking for people's adoption needed, even if the other flaws wouldn't have existed and everything would have gone on schedule. The two combined, well... but you are a believer, probably because it serves to justify your own hobby within a hobby I don't know, so no amount of convincing will result in any progress with you, therefore all this is nothing but an exercise in futility.
On an additional side, you can tell IE that saving the dat file in his wallet doesn't save the wallet at all. I know because I have done it and I am unable to recoup some 250 BYC that I had in it. That's just another side of the mess that the whole project is.
So, as you can clearly see, talking about these things and recording it, will not be positive for anyone at all. And I don't want to be debated, for ages on end, by idiots in forums full of hatred, racist or otherwise, interpreting at their whim my spoken words. There's nothing to gain from it. For anyone.
I'm sure both you and IE will understand.
And, by the way, I am now interested in a new project that really brings digital currencies to the masses and is mined, FAIRLY, by everyone from their smart phones. Call it the evolution of what Bytecent could have been and never will be. Hopefully we will get the money to bring it to the mature level.
Thanks again for your kind offer and best to you and IE.
So those who might be interested (maybe half a dozen, tops?) can draw their own conclusions... away from the peculiar glasses tinted at will of IE.
There's no upside on anything connected with IE anymore. That battle was lost a (crypto) long time ago.