
Topic: The difference between science and religion - page 12. (Read 6490 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 30, 2018, 04:17:53 PM
Science investigates the natural world, while religion deals with the spiritual and supernatural — hence, the two can be complementary. Many religious organizations have issued statements declaring that there need not be any conflict between religious faith and the scientific perspective on evolution.
This is not to suggest that science and religion never come into conflict. Though the two generally deal with different realms (natural vs. spiritual), disagreements do arise about where the boundaries between these realms lie when dealing with questions at their interface. And sometimes, one side crosses a boundary in its claims

If science wants to ignore such things as spirit, soul, supernatural, it isn't really science. Rather, it is a religion of limited investigation.

Activity: 175
Merit: 0
September 30, 2018, 01:39:44 PM
Science investigates the natural world, while religion deals with the spiritual and supernatural — hence, the two can be complementary. Many religious organizations have issued statements declaring that there need not be any conflict between religious faith and the scientific perspective on evolution.
This is not to suggest that science and religion never come into conflict. Though the two generally deal with different realms (natural vs. spiritual), disagreements do arise about where the boundaries between these realms lie when dealing with questions at their interface. And sometimes, one side crosses a boundary in its claims
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 28, 2018, 07:35:03 PM
Religion has the answers. Science is simply far behind in trying to find out why the answers are what they are.

jr. member
Activity: 157
Merit: 1
September 28, 2018, 01:37:33 PM
Religion changes very slowly if at all to the  world around us making it difficult to apply its knowledge to new problems and circumstances.  Science is self-correcting, constantly challenging ideas, throwing out old ones in place of new and better ones.
Most religions reflect the worldview and knowledge of ancient people who are long gone.   Science is being created today, right now.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 27, 2018, 04:28:56 PM
Science is build up on observations, experimentation and evidences, in other words driven by the so called scientific method. Religion is based on faith, which by definition is believing without evidences.

Scientific theories must be falsifiable, religious doctrines cannot.

The Bible is eye witness observations and records of things that God does among people. If you think that Bible eye witness accounts are false, then throw out all the not-known-to-be-fact science theories right along with it... theories that are known to not be known fact.


And when your bible has comments Jesus made to your God with no-one around to observe, these were somehow observed by people who then wrote about them?

Whatever Fucktard!

Can't be eyewitness observations!

The Father was there, and the Holy Spirit. So, there are two or three witness. The Holy Spirit makes known what went on to the people who pen the words by Holy Spirit direction. Witnesses, one and all.


Imaginary people don't count. They are only real to you and therefore don't exist.

I truly believe you need a better book to read, one which has more semblance of reality.

A perfect book for you, would be, "Little Miss Contrary". The story of a young child who always says the opposite of what she means.

You really need to look into what the nation of Israel is all about. They are extremely fastidious people who over the last 3,500 years kept meticulous records. These records, and the way they were kept, and whose records were accepted by them, show that God is real, and that the things He says in the Bible are real.

Your mistake is underestimating God and Ancient Israel.

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
September 27, 2018, 09:06:30 AM
Science is build up on observations, experimentation and evidences, in other words driven by the so called scientific method. Religion is based on faith, which by definition is believing without evidences.

Scientific theories must be falsifiable, religious doctrines cannot.

The Bible is eye witness observations and records of things that God does among people. If you think that Bible eye witness accounts are false, then throw out all the not-known-to-be-fact science theories right along with it... theories that are known to not be known fact.


And when your bible has comments Jesus made to your God with no-one around to observe, these were somehow observed by people who then wrote about them?

Whatever Fucktard!

Can't be eyewitness observations!

The Father was there, and the Holy Spirit. So, there are two or three witness. The Holy Spirit makes known what went on to the people who pen the words by Holy Spirit direction. Witnesses, one and all.


Imaginary people don't count. They are only real to you and therefore don't exist.

I truly believe you need a better book to read, one which has more semblance of reality.

A perfect book for you, would be, "Little Miss Contrary". The story of a young child who always says the opposite of what she means.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18697
September 27, 2018, 08:46:28 AM
The Father was there, and the Holy Spirit.

Ahh nice. The "God did it" fallacy.

1) Present an argument
2) Your opponents prove your argument is obviously false
3) Simply state "You are wrong because God did it/God can do anything"

It is impossible to argue against, because we can break the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, maths, space, time, even logic, by simply stating "God did it". Every argument presented can be refuted by simply stating "God did it".

"How come all the evidence proves the Universe is >13 billion years old" - "Ahhh, God did it"
"How come all the evidence proves evolution" - "Ahhh, God made it that way"
"How come fossils exist" - "Ahhh, God put them there"

It truly is the last bastion of the stupid and ignorant.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 27, 2018, 08:20:37 AM
Science is build up on observations, experimentation and evidences, in other words driven by the so called scientific method. Religion is based on faith, which by definition is believing without evidences.

Scientific theories must be falsifiable, religious doctrines cannot.

The Bible is eye witness observations and records of things that God does among people. If you think that Bible eye witness accounts are false, then throw out all the not-known-to-be-fact science theories right along with it... theories that are known to not be known fact.


And when your bible has comments Jesus made to your God with no-one around to observe, these were somehow observed by people who then wrote about them?

Whatever Fucktard!

Can't be eyewitness observations!

The Father was there, and the Holy Spirit. So, there are two or three witness. The Holy Spirit makes known what went on to the people who pen the words by Holy Spirit direction. Witnesses, one and all.

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
September 27, 2018, 08:12:22 AM
Science is build up on observations, experimentation and evidences, in other words driven by the so called scientific method. Religion is based on faith, which by definition is believing without evidences.

Scientific theories must be falsifiable, religious doctrines cannot.

The Bible is eye witness observations and records of things that God does among people. If you think that Bible eye witness accounts are false, then throw out all the not-known-to-be-fact science theories right along with it... theories that are known to not be known fact.


And when your bible has comments Jesus made to your God with no-one around to observe, these were somehow observed by people who then wrote about them?

Whatever Fucktard!

Can't be eyewitness observations!
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 27, 2018, 08:06:00 AM
Science is build up on observations, experimentation and evidences, in other words driven by the so called scientific method. Religion is based on faith, which by definition is believing without evidences.

Scientific theories must be falsifiable, religious doctrines cannot.

The Bible is eye witness observations and records of things that God does among people. If you think that Bible eye witness accounts are false, then throw out all the not-known-to-be-fact science theories right along with it... theories that are known to not be known fact.

hero member
Activity: 1492
Merit: 763
Life is a taxable event
September 26, 2018, 08:21:11 AM
The difference between religion and science is the same between sanity and insanity.

When you are sane you can use your sanity (same as science) to make educated predictions about what will happen next.

When you are insane your insanity will prevent that. You might think that the government is made up of aliens, and no new facts will disprove that.

If you are sane and someone presents you with the conspiracy theory that the government is full of aliens that are all powerful and are hungry for human flesh, you will most likely ask for evidence. There is no such evidence so you will dismiss it.

The insane (religious) man will live in fear of his mayor eating him alive and will avoid government buildings based on his misconceptions of the world.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
September 26, 2018, 07:53:58 AM
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 25, 2018, 10:17:13 PM

"In heaven, all interesting people are missing." - Friedrich Nietzsche

In Hell, the most interesting is the fragrance of burnt flesh.     Grin
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 25, 2018, 10:15:52 PM
Nationalism, politics can unite people just as well, and unite them long-term.

No it can't not on non trivial time horizons. Nationalism and politics require a common cooperative foundation to sustain them. Inertia can only holds things together for a limited time.

And belief in an imaginary friend will hold the society forever? LOL.  You base this on what?  The bloody history of the Christian church?
Those beliefs were imposed with quite a bit of fire and sword handiwork.

If I were you, I would worry about education and science to eradicate all the superstition and beliefs in the supernatural in few generations.

Science will be here in few hundred years,  religions will not.

If you want to know where religions are going, check out the participation rates in younger generations.

The trend will accelerate as people become more educated and science fills gaps in our knowledge (that is where the God of the Gaps lives).

At the time of the Great Flood, there were only 8 people who still accepted God... Noah and hs family. When you consider the potential for reproduction back then, there were probably easily over a billion other people who didn't accept God. Who won?

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 25, 2018, 09:57:37 PM

If the trust has been established, it remains even though the myths are shown for what they are... myths. How much stronger is the trust among believers, when the Bible is proven to be truth and fact.


Re-read my post and think about it some more.

Christian myth is the same as the Flat Earther movement from the psychological point of view. Once you are part of the group with common beliefs you cling onto that belief no matter what, that is because most people (with lesser intelligence) do not want to be wrong.

You convince yourself that what you believe is true and when you see others in your group expressing their beliefs it validates your (false) belief.  Herd mentality and confirmation bias is at play here.

It is easier to abandon your false beliefs when you leave the group, and/or have good critical thinking skills.

PS. Most scientists love to be wrong, that is why you don't see too many scientists who believe in ancient myths.

If you studied Bible from a scientific standpoint, you would find that Bible isn't myth.

So, it is you who has the myths and false beliefs.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 25, 2018, 09:51:44 PM

Are you sure?  I thought he loves people.  Why is he purposely killing us?

He does. That is why he is saving us inspite of ourselves.

Everybody dies. That is inevitable. The only variable is exactly how that death occurs.

The only offer of immortality on the table is through God and it requires an act of faith.

That is dumb. No intelligent being would design a system this way.

All the killing and torture is unnecessary. He is like a small child, unsure of himself because he needs people to worship him?

Why would he create life in the first place? What would be the purpose?  To worship him?  He could have created some fans where ever he resides and be done with it.  

Why going through the trouble of the big bang, billions years of evolution, star formation, expanding universe, supernovas, evolution from simple bacteria to humans etc.  That just does not add up.  It is just too complicated story for the creation of an obedient, one specie of primates, on an insignificant planet, in billions of solar systems, in a galaxy, among billions of other galaxies.  

You do know that the Earth is spinning on its axis, as it goes around the Sun, as do other planets.  You do understand that the solar system itself is travelling at 230 km/s through space, around the center of our galaxy.  Our Milky Way is also moving through space at about 580 km/s.

The whole system is just overly complicated if the primary purpose of the creation was a specific member of the Ape family to worship and believe in the creator. You would have to be an idiot to design something like this if you just wanted obedient primates who would believe in you.

If I was God, I would just create everything all at once, 6000 years ago, on flat Earth, with glass dome over it, place it in the center of the universe and be done with it.

BTW, you know that immortality is physically impossible, don't you?

So the question to you is:  Is your God an idiot or a deranged psychopath who would go to extra length to satisfy his emotional needs?

He definitely does not know much about Physics or Biology to create such a mess.

Why do you keep on asking for destruction? You know He loves you, and will, out of love, give you what you ask for. But, I guess that's okay. After all, nobody, especially God, would take your freedom to self-destruct away from you.

And Coincube. Don't feel so bad about af_newbie. This life is short. We'll be out of here in relatively short order. We won't even remember af_newbie in Heaven. Just be patient a little while longer, and we will be in joy forevermore.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 25, 2018, 09:46:38 PM

Humm in a single post you managed to:

1) Demand others personally ask God to manifest before you.
2) Insist God eliminate a living species from the planet at your request.
3) Proclaim that God not does not exist.
4) Call believers of God freaks.
5) Break into laughter presumably at your own wit.

I don't see much point in further discussion. You clearly have made up your mind and show no interest in reflection or exploring the topic in a non superficial manner.

I will bow out of this thread and leave it to those with an interest in this flavor of discourse.

You are still here?

Did God create the flesh eating bacteria? Yes or no?

I bet you will dodge to answer this question.

God created everything including bacteria.

Are you sure?  I thought he loves people.  Why is he purposely killing us?  Is he a sadistic maniac?

Does the flesh eating bacteria also eats his flesh? You know, since we are created in his image and all.

Did you forget already? God loved us. So He did what we asked by giving us the results of our sin that we asked for. Then, when we asked for salvation, He sent Jesus to die on the cross to save us.

So, God gave us destruction and salvation like we asked for... well, some of us. Looks to me like you are continuing to ask for destruction.

Poor Jesus. Took suffering and death on the cross for you. And you are just throwing it away. (Sigh!) We're all going to miss you in Heaven.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 25, 2018, 09:42:37 PM
God is so loving that He does what people request. People requested that God convert an aspect of nature into flesh eating bacteria. So, He did it for them.

So your god created flesh eating bacteria because someone asked for it, but ignores the millions of people who ask to be cured?

Your god is a lunatic.

No. You are the lunatic. Why? Because God created salvation for all people... Jesus salvation for them. You know this, yet you won't save yourself by turning to believe. You're an utter stupid lunatic to reject the only salvation that there is.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
September 25, 2018, 09:16:26 PM
Nationalism, politics can unite people just as well, and unite them long-term.

No it can't not on non trivial time horizons. Nationalism and politics require a common cooperative foundation to sustain them. Inertia can only holds things together for a limited time.

Similarly your stated purpose of competitive reproductive and genetic supremacy is barren ground to organise a society around. We saw this tried in the 1940s and the horrors it leads to.

You are correct that every human theocracy is and will continue to be terrible but that is a separate topic related to human ignorance, and lust for power.

We are not going to agree so I am going to give you the last word in this conversation.

I will leave you with a different book recommendation since you were not interested in the religious one. Here is a science fiction series related to the topics discussed above. It is totally free of any talk of God.

For those that like science fiction I recently read the Doom Star Series by Vaughn Hepner. It is interesting social commentary underneath a good story.

It envisions a dystopian future where humanity has terraformed and spread throughout the solar system and traditional religion appears to have has died out or been suppressed.

Humanity has splintered into various ideological factions. Earth is under the control of a stifling planet wide socialism. Mars and Venus are under the control of genetically engineered super humans who believe their superiority gives them the right to rule. Jupiter is controlled by philosopher kings who value only logic. Total laissez-faire capitalism dominates the outer planets and on the edges of the solar system a group seeks to create the ultimate controllable soldier by mixing man and machine.

As the story progress the various groups compete for dominance committing ever more horrific acts of evil that are completely justified by their various philosophies. It is quite clear that in this future humanity is in danger of extinction as the self-inflected horrors worsen and billions start to die.

The series is subtle social commentary the reader slowly realizes that while some ideological groups are better then others they are all pretty bad.

It is a vision of a future without God where religion in the form of various ideological and political constructs is very much alive and well.
hero member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 588
September 25, 2018, 08:40:01 PM

Einstein was not a religious scholar, it was not his area of expertise.  Anyway, he was most definitely not a christian

Einstein was also a Socialist...
And extremely anti-capitalism

Well, it doesn't matter if he is a christian or not. Based on the given statement from Wikipedia which i give you the link. It is pretty obvious and clear and factual that Einstein believes of an entity "who","that","which" created everything.

A quote from just someones blog is not so reliable at all.

He is not an atheist either Tongue
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