Capitalism has been the driving mechanism for human society, progress and prosperity in modern history.
for human society? ROTFL
only for some human, the minority that lives in "g8"
the rest of us, live in conditions like war, starvation, pollution, no instruction...
Sounds like the rest of you guys need something you are severely lacking: capitalism
Indeed. The real ideological battle going on in the world today is between two things:
The ideologies and forces of communalism vs the ideologies and forces of individualism.
This is the only lens in which to view the world which will make sense of everything happening around us. Capitalism is what results when you apply individualism to the economic realm.
For most of history our political institutions have been communal.
The trend was bucked strongly for the first time with early Britain during the Industrial Revolution and then with the Declaration of Independence, which is an individualist document.
Since then, communalism in government has gained strength in both Britain and the US. The very culture of individualism that created the modern world is now being threatened with extinguishing. Government has achieved near total power in both places.
The reason this happened is because any organization predicated on communalism is likely to tend towards greater communalism over time. The Founders of the US, despite their intentions, didn't understand individualism as a philosophy of freedom, and thus built a government which was freer than what existed elsewhere, but still predicated on communal principles.
The US constitution is inherently a communalist / socialist document. Socialism is what results when you apply the principles of communalism to the political realm.
So, what happened at last is that pure communalism in the form of socialism, in the 19th century, decided to try to apply communalist principles to the economic realm as well.
This effort created communism--the application of communalism principles to economics.
Communism failed for various reasons I won't go into, but suffice it to say that communism can never be as efficient as capitalism (see the "socialism's economic calculation problem" for explanation).
Capitalism is individualim applied to the economic realm.
Now, if you've followed me this far, you may have noticed that there's one combination which has never, in the history of the world, been tried. There are no outstanding examples of
individualism applied to the political realm.
This is the road forward for the world. We must figure out how to apply individualism to the political problem of rights protection, law, law-enforcement, and dispute resolution.
I'm working on these concepts currently, having taken Robert LeFevre's term to head them under. He called this idea "autarchy," meaning "rule of the self, by the self."
To apply individualism to the political problem means first of all abandoning democracy. Democracy is easily seen as a communalist / socialist tool. It seeks to force the will of the masses, as obtained through a vote, on the minority parties.
Whenever you have a society that pushes aside the individual will for that of the majority, you have a communalist society. And whenever a society lets the individual will stand against all of society, that is an individualist society.
We must build an autarchist society where each individual is a sovereign over themselves and their property. Where we reject the principle that anyone should be able to force laws on anyone else. Where each person has total control over their personal set of laws.
With modern technology, this is completely doable. We no longer need representatives forcing laws on us. That is inherently unethical. If we are self-owners and self-rulers, let us truly rule ourselves. Not this sham called democracy.
That is the way forward for this world. I plan to build just such a society in a seasteading context within the next 10-20 years, and pave the way for mass migration into such a society. For if it works as I imagine it, it will be far more prosperous and free than these socialist societies, and people will flock to it thereby.