Stop the drama
HELL NO!!!! IT'S ON!!!!
on because i'm right..why bash other coins with false claims when you have a big elephant at home!!
you know media is writing articals about stealthsend being fake as we speak right
here is a comment on one media site
XST's price dump has nothing to do with Shadow and everything to do with Stealthcoin and their whitepaper. The XST dev made claims in the whitepaper that concerned Longandshort. He asked the dev in the XST thread and was met with unwarranted personal attacks by the Stealthcoin community. Longandshort is not a Shadow dev as stated in the comments below (FUD). The XST dev made claims which were not peer reviewed or tested before releasing his spec to the XST community. In fact, the original paper he cited had not received any professional review up until yesterday.
After receiving no response from the XST dev team Longandshort joined the bitcoin dev channel and asked for an expert opinion on the stealthsend whitepaper. The bitcoin devs stated were flaws in the system and it would not be applicable without a trusted mechanism. Greg Maxwell and Andytoshi both came to the same conclusion it's vaporware.
[9:15 PM]longandshort: so your overall opinion in a nutshell master andytoshi? because i appreciate the opinion and rate it highly im extremely concerned here tbh but am willing to give benefit of a doubt if there really is much
[9:16 PM]andytoshi
longandshort: i like the nonce trick
as for this wp corresponding to something, at best it is just hot air
[9:17 PM]andytoshi
if they say "they are starting research" then they will realize quickly it is doomed and stop it or they might try the peercoin thing where they have a point of trust and just sweep it under the rug in all PR..
the context was some sketchy altcoin 'whitepaper' that doesn't seem to be written by someone who knows what they're talking about.
[10:35 PM]gmaxwell
CRS (usually) means there is a trusted setup. Generally in this space we consider trusted setup to be a serious killer. If you're willing to tolerate a trusted setup there are many possibilities. (not just this approach)
After a few hours speaking with the bitcoin core dev team Longandshort came back into the XST thread to relay the messages and linked the IRC chat logs which are freely available at Instead of thanking him for a free peer review by the core bitcoin team they started personal attacks and threats on him. Smart investors took the advice of the Greg Maxwell and Andytoshi and exited the market. The rest of the community is in denial and they refuse to acknowledge the professional opinions of the developers who are behind the world #1 cryptocurrency - Bitcoin.
XST lead developer, Hondo, actually thanked longandshort for the peer review and acknowledge the results of the BTC devs opinion. Ultimately this space is based on cryptography and peer review is a fundamental component of cryptography. Disregarding peer review leads to bad crypto. The XST community classified the professional opinion of the Bitcoin core devs as FUD. By definition, this is the complete opposite of FUD. Technical reviews of new cryptographic primitives should not be classified as FUD. If this trend continues there will continue to be overstating claims by developers.
Hondo (XST's dev):
Before addressing the criticisms raised in this thread, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for these criticisms. Although some believe the manner in which they have been introduced may not be optimal to promote civil discourse, they are valuable criticisms nevertheless, and help to strengthen crypto-currencies in general. It is far better to address weaknesses in crypto systems during implementation than it is to address attacks after deployment.
The XST community decided to blame shift their ignorance, greed and misplaced trust towards Shadow because LongandShort has a Shadow link in his bitcointalk signature. They have since started attacking the Shadow thread. tx42, Emillionman and Omaha to be specific. Ironically, there have been no attacks on the Bitcoin core dev team all FUD efforts have been directed at Shadow. There is a big difference between technical criticism (peer review) and Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD).
What's even more alarming is the XST community have created a team of SDC imposter accounts and went into the threads of Anoncoin, LitecoinDark and LXC attempting to start a feud. They are a stain on the crypto community.
"bjjb: At the same time I would argue that Hondo has demonstrated good work ethic and some integrity. I do not think that he is the type of person to profit like that. It seems very counter to my experiences with him.
[01:38am] bjjb: If this is truly a work of his passion, maybe he will find a way to make it work. I do appreciate the skeptic professional opinions tonight - they are rare in the trade scene.
[01:40am] nessence joined the chat room.
[01:40am] gmaxwell: You can't really honest effort yourself through something that is just not applicable, and probably not through not knowing what you're doing. ... and you speak of integrity, but launching some speculative asset when you've not done the work? I don't think that is something that speaks of integrity."
It's a sad day in crypto when people classify peer review under FUD. Lesson should be learned here, before you make an investment either have access to a cryptographer or get knowledgeable enough yourself to make a solid investment decision. Don't believe photoshop doodles and dev promises.
People who are in denial - face the facts. You invested in vapor and the market is reacting to it. Don't direct your anger at Shadow or it's dev team. Look in the mirror, you only have yourself to blame for buying into hype instead of delivery. Shame on you people who are attacking Shadow.
Bottom Line: Do your homework before you invest in a cryptocurrency. Otherwise you will get a rude awakening when professionals pick apart your hopes and dreams. The XST dev released a paper without any peer review or testing that resulted in a speculative asset without anything to back it up.
I would like to applaud Hondo for accepting the criticism as any normal dev would do. However, his community is the most toxic community I've ever seen in the crypto community space. They disregard reason and logic in favor of mindless personal attacks and zombie cheerleading.