I'm an atheist and have the following standpoint:
- All religions are hoaxes, making people belive in non-existing gods.
What do you all think ?
It is so sad to know that there are still a lot of people who do not believe in God despite of the sacrifice he did to redeem the whole world. We are so ungrateful to God. Instead of turning to Him, we question His power and existence. There will be no earth, no mankind, nothing will exist if there is no God. Everything started in Him and will return to Him. Jesus loves us. He wants us to be save and be with Him in eternity.
It is so sad to know that there are still a lot of people who DO believe in God even there is not one provable evidence to his existence.
Religions usually pray acceptance, unity, peace and so on but (some of) their followers are the first one who break their own rules when it comes to people who don't fit into their view of life, like witches in the past (or even now in some places in Africa), or their enemy number one homosexual people. There is enough prove here in some of the topics in Politics & Society where different sexual preferences or stuff like that is discussed. Mostly it's religious people who are against those life styles with the reason it's a sin or other bullshit.
As long as religions don't accept different life styles of different people without attacking them, they are completely worthless to me.
I don't have any problems with people who want to believe in god or in any other supernatural being even when I think it's stupid.
I usually only have problems with missionaries and people with very limited views of other peoples life styles. Interestingly mostly religious people (of course not only them) fall into this category. Where is the acceptance here? Where is the unity here?
I don't need a god to make moral decisions or to know what is right and wrong
- do you think if people never invented the concept of gods or religions, people would all be psychopaths and would not follow any rules?
I don't need a god to live a happy and fulfilled life
- do you think if people never invented the concept of gods or religions, everybody would constantly thinking how fucked up his life is?
I don't need a god to whatever else religious people think they need a god to be able to master their lifes.
Everything religious people think is only possible with the help of god, can be done as good if not better also without a god.
It's just arrogant to think that only religions have the one and only answer for everything.