Here is what my mine.conf file looks like...
"pools" : [
"url" : "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "xxx",
"pass" : "1234"
{ "url" : "",
"user" : "xxx"
"pass" : "123"
"hfa-fan" : "100",
"hfa-fail-drop" : "0",
"hfa-temp-target" : "0",
"hfa-temp-overheat" : "110",
"hfa-hash-clock" : "975",
"api-allow": ","
And here is the file...
/home/xxx/xxx/cgminer-4.3.4/cgminer --api-network --api-listen --config /home/xxx/xxx/cgminer-4.3.4/mine.conf
Thank you for the help, however I still cannot get the individual die temperatures. Other cgminer data is being pulled into the app, so I know it's working. Just not the die temperatures. I could really use them as I think my water block isn't tightened down enough, although I'm hesitant to tighten down on it without this tool.
I've tried specifying the port, using different ports other than 4028, and tried to run the app on other computers on my network after allowing the IP's in difference
I've since ditched my config file, and only used the 2 parameters --api-listen --api-network to start cgminer. Same results.
This should be the easiest part of setup, yet for some reason is really breaking my balls
Other than this, the card is running decent at 800Mhz at 92C on cgminer 4.3.4 on win7x64.